Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
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| Well it's tomorow where i am lol ! x Chapter Thirteen Ginny joined them later on having calmed down and spoken to Luna. She sat next to Harry as the three of them played exploding snap to take there minds off what was to come. Ron walked in ten minutes later, seemingly in a worse mood then when he left. He sat next to the window on the side where Hermione was, with an irritated look on his face every time Harry and Ginny kissed, hugged or even smiled at each other. He glanced at Hermione trying to read the expression on her face but she avoided looking at him altogether. They hadn’t told him that Harry was going and didn’t feel the need to, but when they stepped of the train and made there way to the carriages he pulled Hermione aside to walk slower behind the couple in front.
“What is it Ron?”
“So you looking forward to being Head girl officially when we reach the school”
“More that then who the head boy turned out to be”
“So I’m not good enough to be it, is that what you think, maybe you’d prefer Harry?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“No Ron, spit it out, tell me what on earth it is you thinks going on today”
“Then shut up, and stop picking at everything” she walked quickly leaving him trailing behind as the three of them stepped into a carriage with Luna and Neville.
“Hurry up Ron if you want to get in this one” called out Neville.
He moved a little faster and climbed in staring at Hermione the whole way and watching her as she spoke to Luna, Neville Ginny and especially Harry. *****
The number of children being sorted and the number of pupils over all had remained the same apart from the Slytherin table where there seemed the largest numbers missing, most parents still feeling that the safest place for the children was at school not at home but not those who where death eaters.
Professor McGonagall left the head teacher’s seat empty in a mark of respect for Dumbledore. Slughorn had returned as the potions Professor and new teachers sat in the place of Snape as the defence against the darks arts teacher and the transfiguration spot.
McGonagall stood after the dinner to say a few words.
“I n this time of war it is important to be vigilant, and stand together to fight through these dark times. We must not fear for we will get though this and though some may not” She glanced to the head masters chair, “There are others leading the way out of darkness and into the light” She looked directly at Harry and he stared back. There was a pause and she continued, “And still on the subject of leading I would like to welcome the new head boy and girl back for there last year and present them to you for you applause. Miss Hermione Granger and Mr Ronald Weasley of Gryffindor”
She gestured to them to step forward and Hermione and Ron got up and walked to the front of the teachers table. Hermione focused her gaze on Ginny; smiling slightly well Ron looked around the room agitated. He saw Harry and watched him as he smiled at Hermione clapping with everyone else, before holding hands with Ginny as they got up to leave.
Harry and Ginny walked to the hallway outside when he stopped.
“I’ve got to go and find McGonagall; she has something to give me before I go anywhere”
“I’ll see you before you go?”
“Of course” he hugged her and kissed her gently on the lips before leaving, Hermione walked over smiling and linked arms with her, “Come on you can help me with the first years, it will take you mind off it for a bit and I could do with the help” she moved her head pointing out Ron who stood talking to Lavender in the door way. “He’s not really that useful for anything is he” she smiled as she led Ginny shouting for the first year Gryffindor’s to follow her. *****
Harry walked slowly to the head’s offices to where McGonagall stood waiting. “Come up, with me Harry, it will still look the same since I haven’t been in there yet”
She touched the gargoyles hand and the doorway opened up the spiral staircase forming leading the way up to the office.
They walked up in silence and opened the door. He sat in the chair in front of the desk as she went to a cupboard and unlocked it with several different keys. A few moments later she returned holding a purple cloaked item and a wooden box.
“These I believe are for you, Albus trusted in you just as the whole wizarding world does Harry. You have the full support of the school in what ever you have to do and the teachers will always be here to take care of its students”
“Thankyou Professor” she placed the items on the desk and sat behind it in a small wooden chair she conjured.
“It’s not right, not just yet” she spoke glancing at the chair, he nodded a single tear falling and he wiped it away and looked up.
“I have to go tonight”
“I can not say, but I believe it is where I can find something to stop him”
“Are you going alone?”
He nodded, and she replied “Is that wise in the current situation and so soon after the attack on your subconscious?”
“Rather now then later on, I should not be gone long but grateful if you would inform the teachers I will catch up on the work when I return”
“You will be returning shortly after finding whatever it you’re looking for?”
“I will escort you to the gates and into Hogsmeade where you can apparate, what time will you be leaving?”
“In an hour”
She nodded “get what you need and meet me in here, the password is Dumbledore” He stood up to leave,
“You are an extremely brave, intelligent and mature young man as well as accomplished wizard but you don’t have to do everything alone”
She opened the door and he left carrying the items walking in thought to the common room.
He reached the portrait realising he didn’t know the password when Hermione stepped out and spoke to him rapidly,
“The passwords Loyalty, Ginny’s in your dorm waiting, I’ve got to go on patrol with Ron, but are you going soon and -”
“Thanks for the password, I’ll go and see Gin now, I’m sorry your stuck with Ron, yes I am going soon and no you can’t come”
She nodded and smiled “Well at least let me give you this in case I don’t see you before you go” she hugged him avoiding the sword “and good luck” He grinned slightly “thanks again Hermione” he said before she left walking away in the direction of the head pupil’s dorm.
Harry said the password and avoided the people looking at him and asking questions as he made his way up to his dorm holding his new belongings in his arms.
He reached the door and opened it peering inside seeing Ginny sitting on his bed feeding Hedwig treats.
“I thought she was getting bigger have you been feeding her every time she came to see you”
“No!” she smiled at him as he set the stuff down,
“Is that the sword?”
“Yep and two other things he left to me, this” he picked opened the box and took out the snitch “and this” he showed her the small contraption that resembled a lighter.
“Well I hope they help you, I only wish you’d let me as well”
“Your helping me by knowing your safe, I have to go I can’t just not, we both no it’s me that’s got to stop him” She nodded, “That’s what makes you who you are, and I know that, I’ve known you since we first met that day on your very first day as a wizard, I knew as soon as you smiled at me, I wanted to be with you” He touched her cheek, “I’m sorry it took me so long to realise”
She hugged him and kissed his forehead “Good luck on your search Harry, and I’ll be waiting for you when you comeback a destroyed Horcrux in hand” he got up and packed the sword, deluminator, invisibility cloak and a locket with a note, placing his wand and watch inside his robes he put the bag on his back. “I’ll be back before you know it” he smiled and opened the door, “See you soon Gin” he smiled. She got up and smiled back, “See you soon Harry” *****
Ron sat in the dorm waiting for Hermione so they could start patrol together. He stood up as the door opened her bushy hair poking through, “Let’s go we, have to see McGonagall before we start” They left walking in silence down the corridors in silence when Ron spoke up.
“Have you seen Harry, he wasn’t in the common room earlier on before I went to our dorm”
“He was with a McGonagall, sorting out Dumbledore’s will; he left something’s to Harry”
“He did, well that’s the first I’ve heard of it”
“Well you haven’t spoken to him in several weeks Ron”
“With good reason”
“Not really”
“You were the same, what changed your mind all of a sudden? Cause you seemed rather cosy with him on the train before”
“What do you mean cosy? Harry and I are friends we talk”
“Didn’t look like talking to me, how could you do that to Ginny she’s your friend?” Hermione stopped in her tracks “You don’t honestly thing…”
“Think what, I see the way you to look at each other, I watched you in the compartment where was Ginny did you stun her and hide her in the cupboards, while you two got together?”
“Don’t be stupid Ronald, what ever you think in your twisted mind is going on isn’t happening” she carried on walking turning the corner and coming face to face with someone.
“What’s not happening?” Harry was standing at the entrance to McGonagall’s office,
“Harry! I thought you would have gone already”
“Not yet, but you haven’t answered my question”
“It doesn’t matter” she said hurriedly, “just ignore him”
“It does matter, and any way where’s he going?” said Ron standing there smiling menacingly.
“I’m going to find something”
“A Horcrux”
“Yes” Harry said he moved forward to say the password but Ron stopped him,
“Have you told Ginny your going?”
“Of course I have, and she wanted to come but I told her she can’t the same as I told Hermione”
“Protecting both your girlfriends”
“What? Ron your not making sense, Ginny’s my only girlfriend”
“So what were you doing with Hermione on the train?”
“We talked and we hugged what’s wrong with that, she’s my friend”
“Yeah right” he drew his wand, Harry turned away “I’m not doing this now, I don’t have time, and I have to go”
“That’s right run away”
The stair case opened, “Put your wand away Mr Weasley” said a voice as the woman stepped out,
“Mr Potter no more shouting or you’ll wake the school, I think it best we go upstairs and discuss this like adults” she lead the way to her office climbing the stairs as they stepped inside.
“Sit down, Miss Granger would you do the honour of telling me what’s going on”
“Ronald here, has the wrong idea about me and Harry and has just become aware of the fact Harry’s going somewhere tonight”
“The wrong idea being what, Miss Granger” Said the Professor glancing between the three faces,
“He thinks, somehow, that me and Harry are secretly dating behind Ginny’s back, and has confronted us on this matter”
“You can’t be serious Ron” Harry looked at Ron in shock, “What in Merlins name would lead you to think that?”
“I saw you two in the compartment on the train, I’ve watched the way you look at her”
“You saw me hug Harry and you thought that because we manage to have conversations and laugh with each other we must be having an affair! Hermione stood up
“Oh my God, this has too be a joke” Harry sat in between Ron and Hermione looking at the professor for help”
“I saw you too together what where you doing if you weren’t doing that?”
“Mr Weasley I think you simply misunderstood what you saw”
“Damn right he did” Said Harry and Hermione sat down again.
“So tell me why you where holding his hand and hugging him”
“It’s between me and Harry, Ron” He looked at Hermione as she said this and his ears turned red in rage, “Tell me what was so wrong that you had to hug him or even touch him”
“It’s got nothing to do with you thinking me and Harry would ever cheat on Ginny” Said Hermione Harry remained silent staring at his feet,
“Then you can tell me can’t you”
“I was up upset, Ron, I asked Hermione to do something for me and I was…I was crying so she hugged me.”
“I don’t believe you” Ron stared at him and Harry shrugged and crossing his arms and bowing his head, “It’s the truth”
“The great Harry Potter crying, I don’t think so, what’s there for you to be upset about your famous, loaded-”
“And facing Voldemort you prat” Said Hermione furious with Ron, “your to wrapped up in yourself to notice anything apart from things you pick up along the way, with which you jump to the wrong conclusion”
Harry stood up “Can we leave now professor, I would like to get started now before it’s too late”
Ron looked at the floor and saw Harry standing at the door, talking to the professor when she spoke, “Yes Harry” she and Hermione stood too and he got up a second later, “you two are to sort this out before I return”. They left leaving Hermione and Ron alone and walked out of the grounds in silence and onto the streets, to the very same place he had apparated with Dumbledore the night he left there world forever.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |