Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-16-2008, 02:11 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Posts: 887
heart Have another chapie, its a long one though x

Chapter Twelve

Harry felt nothing he lay unaware of the figure keeping vigil at his beside, or her plea’s for him to wake up. He only knew he was tired, exhausted from having someone invade his head, his thoughts, even though no lasting damage was done. He was weak as was Voldemort who lay in a similar state, in a small dark room at Malfoy manor.

He had no one at his side, nothing to wake up for only the rage of being bettered by Harry Potter again with the even stronger urge to murder him and end the last hope for the ignorant wizarding kind.

Harry’s sleep was dreamless, he knew of nothing only darkness until a day later he began to get stronger, more alive again and hear her voice.

His pulse was becoming stronger at a regular rate, there was colour in his cheeks, his temperature had gone down and after three days of waiting he opened his eyes. He felt her hand in his own and squeezed tightly his eyes blinking
“Gin” he said his voice hoarse, “Ginny”
“Harry!” she hugged and kissed him gently “You had me so scared!”
He smiled, “I told you not to worry about me, where am I?”
“Mungo’s, we thought you were going to…” she hadn’t cried the entire time and now it came out,
“It was him, it was Voldemort wasn’t it” she sobbed, into his chest.
“Yes” he held on tighter, “how long have I been out?”
“Three of the longest days of my life” they stayed like that for ten minutes until Harry spoke, “Gin”
“Yes Harry”
“Have you ever been without the toilet for three days?”
“I can’t say I have” she grinned.
“It’s not a great feeling, especially if you’re awake”

He sat up stiff, his joins, muscles and bladder crying out in pain. She got up reluctantly to tell Tonks and Lupin, who where stationed at the doors, that Harry was awake while he got up carefully to go to the bathroom.

He came back to there relived faces as he told them what had happened leaving out about what Voldemort had said about Ginny. They where quiet and after ten minutes of listening they got up to spread the good news. Ginny got up to send a message to the rest of the Weasley’s, but Harry held on to her hand and spoke. “Gin, I need to talk to you about something”
“What’s wrong Harry? I can tell when there’s something on your mind”
“You might want to sit down” she did as she was told, “I’m sitting, now talk”
“Voldemort told me he knew about you, what you look like and some other things” he said it fast,
“He did, did he?”
Harry nodded, “He told me he knows how I feel about you”
“And how’s that?” she looked at him seriously
He smiled “I love you Ginny”
“Well thank goodness for that, since I thought you were just playing with me to annoy Ron” she grinned,
“Hey I’m being serious here, don’t be mean”
She giggled, “Harry Potter serious, I’d never have guessed”
“Well if you’re going to be like that, im not going to say it again” he turned to face away from her and she pouted grumpily, “No Harry, please, I’m sorry” she sat on his bed and tried to turn him around but he wouldn’t budge.
“Harry” she tried again, putting her arms around his stomach sitting behind him and leaning against his back.
“Yes Miss Weasley” he replied trying to hide a smile,
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“You might as well, as long as it doesn’t get me in trouble with your parents”
She lent forward and whispered in his ear, a large smile appeared on his face and he turned around to her, “Well thank goodness for that, I thought you where just using me to annoy Ron” He smiled and turned his body round properly to face her,
“He will come after you” he looked deep into her eyes, his hand on her cheek.
“We always knew he would” she replied
“We can’t run away he’s to powerful”
“Then we face him, just like you did in your head. And you will beat him, whether I’m alive or not”
“You will be alive and in my arms at the end of this, I promise”
“Then I believe you” she moved closer to him as there arms became intertwined around each other and they kissed, lovingly, before lying back on the pillows both deep in thought.

Ron watched them enviously from the door way, he was too far away to hear them, but he didn’t want to interrupt them not this time. He turned to go, to see Hermione stood behind him looking furious.
“You’re spying on them yet again?”
“So what if I am, I’m just looking out for my sister with that head case”
“That head case used to be your best friend”
“Not since he decided he didn’t want to be anymore”
“He did nothing of the sort; you didn’t want to know because it’s Ginny he wants to be with, if it was any other girl you wouldn’t have any objection to whether she died or not”
“We’ve already been through this once, just drop it Hermione”
“Not if you won’t stop being so pig headed about it” she sat on a chair, and he moved to stand in front of her,
“Our best friend could have died and you wouldn’t have been bothered at all, only that it kept him away from Ginny”
“That’s not true; I would have been bothered, that I wasn’t the one to kill him for laying a hand on my sister”
She looked up her face enraged, “Why Ronald, why are you so horrid? Why are you even here?”
“I’m here for you and Ginny”
“Well you’re not doing a good job, just go, go and make someone else’s life miserable”
“Fine” he drew his wand and apparated on the spot, finding him self at the burrow, he marched inside and into the kitchen to see his mother sitting at the table with Xeno and Luna

“He’s awake, he’s fine, and he’s with Ginny” he said before stomping up the stairs and slamming the door.
“Well im glad Harry’s awake but what’s the matter with Ronald?” said Xeno, looking at Luna, she smiled before she spoke,
“I would have thought it obvious dad, he jealous”
“Jealous!” said Molly staring at her as if she were mad,
“Yes Mrs Weasley, he see’s Harry and Ginny but wants what they have with Hermione, haven’t you seen the way he stares at her?”
Xeno nodded thinking whilst Molly smiled, “Well if he doesn’t get over it soon, she’ll find someone else who’s not half so temperamental, it’s our fiery temper that gets in the way of things sometimes, and it’s usually love more often then not”
“Ah the Weasley curse the temper that matches the hair” said Xeno laughing “It must be from you Molly, Ginny get’s more like you everyday that’s why you don’t get on”
“I just don’t approve of some of her choices”
“You mean Harry” said Luna her eyes fixed on Molly,
“Unfortunately I do, he may just be her boyfriend to her but the rest of the wizarding world is relying on him to defeat the most powerful wizard we’ve known and survive”
“He won’t let Ginny get hurt” Luna looked at her seriously “He said something before he passed out the other day”
“What, was it about you know who?”Said Xenophilius,
“He said ‘Ginny’” Luna looked into Molly’s eyes a small smile on her face,
“He did?”Said Molly,
“He did” Luna Replied and Xeno looked between them and then spoke in the awkward silence,
“Perhaps we’d better go Luna; I’m sure you have lot’s of things to do before school starts in a few day’s”

They left Molly staring out of the window thinking about her youngest daughter and son, and how soon she would no longer be needed in there lives. Fred and George owned a successful business and only came home for order meetings, Percy had a job at the ministry and lived away from them, Bill was married off and Charlie was still chasing dragons as well as working for the order. Soon Ginny and Ron would leave that was if they made it through this war alive, and them having anything to do with Harry Potter wasn’t helping there chances.

It was the first of September, four day’s after Harry had left Mungo’s and they were sitting on the train, in there own compartment.
They were silent. Harry and Ginny on one side Hermione and Ron on the other. Hermione stood up,
“I have to go” she pointed to her head girl badge, “I hope the head boy’s not a Slytherin”
“Lucky Malfoy’s not back” Said Ron, focusing on the floor
“He’s too busy murdering and torturing people Ron” Hermione said before closing the door behind her.
Ron was about to get up and leave when Luna, Neville, Dean and Seamus came in smiling.

“Hello Harry, Ginny, Ronald, how are you? We just saw Hermione go to the prefect’s compartment; do you know who the head boy is?”
“Hey Luna” said Ginny, “Were all good apart from Ron” she scowled at him “sorry but we don’t know who the Head boy is either”
“Ah well, probably a Hufflepuff there hasn’t been one of them in a while” said Seamus sitting down next to Ron, and Dean joining him.
Luna and Neville sat down next to Ginny as Harry looked across to Ron.
“What’s your problem mate? You look like some ones snapped your wand in half” said Dean,
“Nothing” he crossed his arms and looked out the window,
“A bundle of laughs this one” Said Seamus, “The last time you looked this miserable you were with Lavender, so what girl is it this time?”
Ron’s fists clenched in his lap, he got up and left slamming the door behind him,
“So it’s Hermione then” smiled Dean
“Looks like it” Said Neville
“Maybe the nargles got to him” said Luna dreamily; everyone burst out laughing even Luna who didn’t seem to think what she said was funny. The four of them left later on leaving Harry and Ginny alone.
“Gin, im going to go to Godric’s Hollow tonight”
“You are? You never said anything before”
“As soon as I’d do this, the sooner I kill him then this will all be over”
“You’re sure tonight?”
“Yes, I didn’t tell you before because I’ve just decided now. This came last night” he pulled out a piece of parchment, “it’s a letter, from Dumbledore”
“Dumbledore, how could he have?”
“It was given to McGonagall, and she was told to send it to me now”
“What does it say?”
“How to destroy the Horcruxes but it’s written so only I can see it, it’s like how we wrote to each other before, only a stronger spell”
She nodded, and curled up closer to him, “Are you going alone?”
“You know you can’t come with me, don’t you?”
“We’ve talked about this, and I do know the dangers but I want to come with you”
“He knows about you Ginny, and I told your parents I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, you have to stay at the school where it’s safer”
“I want to go with you but I know you won’t let me” she smiled, “but don’t go alone Harry, please take some one with you just in case”
“Who else is there, I do it alone or it won’t happen”
“If any thing happened to her Ron would never forgive me”
“He hasn’t forgiven you for me yet”
“All the more reason not to involve her”
They went quiet as Hermione returned, “Phew I’m glad that’s over with, Ron was no help at all”
“Ron?” they looked at each other then Hermione,
“He said he told you, before he left”
“He said nothing”
“Oh well he’s the Head boy if you can believe it”
“He kept that a secret!” Harry smiled
“Ron, head boy…you must be joking Hermione” Said Ginny examining her face for any sign of a lie.
“She’s not, aren’t you proud of your big brother now” he stood at he stood in the door way a smirk on his face the badge gleaming on his chest.
“Not really, since he didn’t bother to tell us himself”
“You never asked”
“How was I supposed to know? I can’t read minds or have X ray vision to see inside you Hogwart’s letter, and you haven’t even told mum or dad cause they wouldn’t have shut up about it” Said Ginny getting angry with him,
“You were to wrapped up in your love life to bother with me, its ok”
“You better watch it Ronald, or instead of a slap it will be a curse to keep you spiting out slugs as long as you live” she stood up staring at him in fury,
“I look forward to you trying” he turned and left closing the door behind him smiling at her.
“Hey Harry, you could take him with you, I don’t think he’ll be missed” she walked out of the door, and went in the opposite direction to which Ron had gone before.
“Gin” he called out after her but she carried on walking “Ginny wait” he ran down the stretch of the train and reached out placing a hand on her shoulder as she stood facing the other way, she shrugged it away and carried on going, Hermione came up behind him, “Just leave her for a bit, she’s angry and wants’ to be alone” he sighed and followed her back to the compartment
“Harry, where are you going that would require the sacrifice of Ron?”
“I’m going to Godric’s hollow, tonight”
“But, how do you know anything’s there?”
“I don’t that’s why I’m going to look, it won’t be the locket or Nagini but there’s a good chance he hid Hufflepuff’s cup or something of Ravenclaw’s there when he killed my parents. Dumbledore said significant deaths and I think him trying to kill me as a baby was pretty significant since I wasn’t even a threat then and he got my mum and dad too”
“But tonight, what about the first day of classes tomorrow and the fact you can’t go alone?”
“I think the teachers will understand and they usually just go over stuff on the first day anyway and they’ll be rambling on about how important newts are”
“I’m coming with you, if you won’t take Ginny, let me come I can help you”
“No, Ron would never forgive me if you got hurt and neither would your parents”
“You don’t think I know the risks, I’m head girl I’ve grown up fighting with you with all those other times I could have died”
“This is different”
“How, how is this any different to fighting death eaters in the ministry, travelling though time to save Sirius, saving the Philosophers stone, and fighting off the death eaters in school last year”
“This is more dangerous, there’s no guessing what lengths he’s gone to keep the Horcruxes safe”
“All the more reason for me to help, you don’t have Ron anymore so at least let me be there for you in case things go wrong”
“You said your self there might not be one there”
“And what happens if there is, or if you collapse again? You’ll be alone and completely helpless, what good will it do Ginny if you die out there because you where foolish enough to go alone”
“Nothing will happen, I just have to find it and destroy it”
“How are you going to get rid of it, whatever it is?”
“I’ll have a weapon by the time I leave tonight”
“And that’s a very specific answer, what exactly is this weapon, because it will take something powerful to destroy a bit of a soul, and not a spell?”
“The sword of Godric Gryffindor”
“Why will that work?”
“What’s with all the questions Hermione, I know you have a lot of them but what’s to stop people hearing?”
She pulled out here wand “Muffilato”
He looked at her, “I thought you didn’t approve of that spell”
“It comes in useful, and it’s not like it hurts any one, now talk”
“What ever the sword is used on like the Basilisk makes it stronger, I think Dumbledore was saying that the venom makes it so the sword can destroy the Horcruxes like the Basilisk fang and the diary when we were in the chamber of secrets”
“You were told this by Dumbledore last year”
“No, last night”
“You dreamt it” Hermione looked at him in disbelief, “No he sent me a letter and this”
He unfolded them from his pocket and showed the three pieces of parchment to her,
“These are blank” she turned them over in her hands,
“Not to me”
“A spell...Of course what you and Ginny use”
“This” he held up to piece of parchment “I s the letter, this on the other hand” he held up another blank page “is the last will and testimony of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore”
He sighed as Hermione took it all in, “He leaves me the sword of Godric Gryffindor , my first snitch, his deluminator, and the knowledge to continue the journey to defeating Voldemort” he read off the page, “I haven’t showed Ginny yet, I didn’t get the chance” he gestured to the door.
“Ok” she sat back in her seat, “Harry, are you scared?”She looked at him directly,
“Of course I am Hermione, what kind of person would I be if I wasn’t?”
He folded the parchment and put it in his robes, placing is head in his hands he leant his elbows on his knees and took a deep breath.
She leant forward kneeling on the floor in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder; he rested his hand on top of it.
“If I don’t survive this will you promise me something?”
“Look after Ginny for me, I love her, I really do but if this war kills me, and there is every chance it will I want to know she’s looked after, will you do it for me?”
“O f course Harry, she’s my best friend just as you are, but I know that if there’s anything you two can get through it’s this” she moved and sat beside him placing and arm around his shoulder, he turned to face her tears on his cheeks, still falling from his emerald eyes as he wiped them away with his sleeve
“Thankyou Hermione”

They hugged tightly not seeing the eyes of Ron Weasley at the glass and the fire in them as he walked away, angry and with completely the wrong idea in his head.
RIP JD Salinger

Last edited by lilly_luna; 11-21-2008 at 11:55 AM. Reason: missed word
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