Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-15-2008, 10:18 AM   #49 (permalink)
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heart Harry Potter die ! who in Merlins name would do such a thing ?

Chapter Eleven

Harry’s eyes opened but he didn’t know where he was. He looked around and saw his surroundings, an open room similar in size to the great hall at Hogwarts. He looked down at himself he was still in his own body but something had changed, he felt his forehead there was no scar. He heard whispering and searched for the direction of it.

“Hello Harry” Said a voice, hissing from a corner
“What have you done why am I here?”
“I thought we needed to talk and since you subconscious is so openly available, I thought I’d bring you here”
“So im in my own head, I never was any good at Oclumency” he reached for his wand but it wasn’t there
“Foolish child, how can one be inside ones own head, your merely experiencing this whilst you’re in a deep sleep, and I shall tell you now unfortunately magic does not work in this realm. This seems to be a place where I am without the ability to kill you”
“If you were going to kill me you would have done it already instead of wasting my time by bringing me here”
“I will kill you Harry Potter mark my words, but for now it seems you are safe. Your old protector is dead and nothing but the tricks of lesser wizards are keeping you away from me”
“But still you resort to bringing me here”
Harry sat down and closed his eyes to block him out.
“What are you doing?”
“This is my mind, I should be able to get rid of you” he replied smiling
Voldemort moved pacing back and forth his eyes crimson and gleaming with malice; he glanced at the boy, eyes still closed. He moved swiftly and walked over he moved to place his hands around Harry’s neck but was thrown backwards.
“You know for the darkest most powerful wizard of all time you are very, very stupid” Harry stood up walking to Voldemort’s figure on the floor. “My mind, remember, I have control. You should have took me to your place but I bet it’s rather lonely” four figures walked out from the shadows smiling.

Harry looked at them all and turned back to Voldemort as he stood up. His face was filled with rage,
“You are just a child and these people are only your imagination” he sneered in parsel tongue
“The imagination is a powerful weapon Tom” said Dumbledore stepping forward, “without it you wouldn’t be what you are”
“Don’t talk nonsense old man” Voldemort was enraged, standing not knowing how to hold himself without his wand. “You are defeated and nothing will change that, I have beaten you in life as well as death”

Lily and James stepped forward hand in hand, “Our son will kill you, he was born to stop you and we will be with him to guide him”
“Thanks you guys, I do miss you, you know”
“We know” they replied together
“Enough of this sentimental rubbish, I brought you hear to speak to you as an equal, not hear such drivel”
“Then fight him now” Sirius pulled a wand from his pocket and gave it to Harry nodding,
“You can do it Harry, you will beat him” He grinned. Harry moved forward wand raised as Voldemort sneered,
“This maybe your mind, but I am still more powerful” a wand appeared in his hand and he raised it.
Harry stared at him fiercely,
“Not if I don’t think you are, you always seem to forget the finer details in your plans and that’s why they always fail. Let’s talk if you want to talk and duel if you want to duel. Otherwise leave me to my thoughts”
“The boy takes strength from those he has around him, but in the flesh you are weak and pathetic”
“So hurry up and kill me” Harry yelled he was getting angry, and impatient.
“I am Lord Voldemort I answer to nobody”
Harry saw the shadow of fear pass quickly over Voldemort’s snake like face.
“So why are you so scared?” The four people behind Harry stepped back into the darkness, as Harry moved forward circling him holding his wand,
“You said equals so talk to me like a man Tom, you brought me here for a reason so spit it out”
“You dare to call me my worthless father’s name”
“I dare, you said equals, and since you were once a man it’s only fair”
“There is no good and evil, fair and unfair in life boy, there is only power and those to weak to seek it”
“You’ve told me this before, I remember as you where forced out of Quirell’s disintegrating body, where was your power then Tom, since I guess I beat you then as well”
He nodded smiling slightly, “that event has brought us where we are today, and now as grown up in body as you are you still possess the innocence of a child that is so disgusting to me”
Harry made no movement in his face, no smile, no reply but continued to walk around him.

“I chose to see you like this, so I know what you are, what you hope to be and what you would rather be” he smiled, and Harry flinched his head tingled and he felt it as his scar reappeared.
“I can see your weaknesses with out the… discomfort of possessing you, I can feel the power you hold though it doesn’t match up to mine, and I know your every desire, especially for the girl that looks so much like your dear mud blood mother”
Harry stopped mid step and looked at him,
“You know nothing of friendship, love, hopes and dreams, so stay away from mine”
He laughed cruelly, “You think I care for what you hope, for who you say you love, you shall not succeed boy, you will not win and I will kill you”
“If its you im supposed to be scared of, I have nothing to fear, you can’t kill me here or in the real world so what is there to be scared of”
“That I will kill you, your blood traitor and mud blood friends as well as anyone else who gets in my way”
“Death is not important, but you Tom, you fear it”
“I FEAR NOTHING” The scream reverberated around the room and Harry raised his wand,
“So why kill Pettigrew when he begged me forgiveness?”
“He was useless, a loss to know one but his mother who already thought he was dead”
“So why kill him?”
“To show those who dare to disobey me what there reward will be”
Harry stared his gaze unfaltering, his green eyes fixed on his red ones.
“You can’t win Harry Potter, you can try to protect her all you want but I can feel how you burn for her”
“I won’t let you near her”
Voldemort laughed “Just like your father, weak for a woman even as he died”
He raised his wand higher but Harry didn’t even flinch,
“I’ve had a nice chat with you but now it’s time for you to leave” Harry pointed the wand at Voldemort,
“You will see her life extinguished Harry, and only then will I truly kill you”
“LEAVE NOW”A jet of red light shot from his wand and hit Voldemort it the chest.

The room went silent and Harry’s eyes closed again, he felt himself hit the floor and his glasses fall off before darkness crept over him and he slept.
RIP JD Salinger
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