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Old 11-11-2008, 03:32 AM   #1 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default The Second Sisterhood Ficlets - Sa16+
Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

Made by Dani; Blue texture from PrincessofShadows at Deviantart
Hello! Welcome to our cozy little thread. Where to start? Okay, well there are four girls who share this thread. Because we work very well together, we all love to write, and we enjoy these little stories that pop into our heads enough to share them. The girls are: Myself; Gracie (D.A Forever), Steph (MUSTANG SALLY), Dani (Hg_fan) and Shannon (Phoenix 9380) who at the moment is a little absent.

These 'ficlets' which are more a less one-shots (some of which may be a few posts long, but nothing major) but 'one-shots' wouldn't sound as good. Anyways, these little stories are scenes we've thought of and imagined, revolving around made-up characters of the wizarding world. Most commonly, you'll find they're about either an MoM character that belongs to one of us, or a Hogwarts RPG character. Or, their families. On occasional other less mentioned character's will be thrown in, that may be a little confusing, but we'll try clearing everything up as much as possible. We hope you enjoy!

**Banner Made By Suzy**
This Ficlet is about my currently Hogwarts RPG character, Savannah Mae, and her family. It takes place summer of 2067, in the middle of August.

SPOILER!!: Because cheesecake would take longer to make?
The house was quiet. Raise of sunlight peeking through each open window throughout the house; The early hour of the morning made obvious due to the sun was still rising, slowly but surely, into the clear sky. For a moment it seemed all but one person was sleeping peacefully in their beds, the only one up and about, wide awake, standing in the kitchen wiping the smooth blue with grey speckle surface of the countertop infront of her was a young girl - no, young woman, at seventeen years old; Legal wizarding adult age.

Her dark hair was pulled up in a ponytail, swishing back and forth with her back and forth movement. Ocean blue eyes scanned the room as she turned, several of her siblings were walking through the doorway, dragging their feet across the tile floor.

"Good morning sleepy heads" Savannah called brightly; Her tone soft, hushed and sugar coated. Madison eyed her suspiciously, brushing a pale blonde strand from her face were a puzzled expression took place. Glancing quickly to the oldest boy in the room, Savannah's twin brother, Madi announced: "Somethings up with her." flatly, as she crossed the room to the dining room table pulling out a chair to sit in. Joseph grinned, eyes dancing amusedly from one girl to the other, ruffling Phineas' hair as he, Julian and Kaitlynnh followed Madi's example and went to sit down. Each, clearly, had just crawled out of bed. "She's right. Savs isn't a 'morning person'." The eleven year old agreed, trying to flatten the short mess of blonde locks on his head with the palms of his hands, head bowed slightly.

"I smell something-" Katie paused, lifting her head from the table and proceeded to sniff the air. "-Delicious?" The guess was uncertain. Unsure to whether or not she was right, or even close. The small brunette didn't even know where the smell was coming from in the first place.

"I smell it too," Julian spoke up, from the chair on Katie's right; Phineas occupied the one on her left. He merely nodded in agreement with the two.

Savannah was smiling, finding it rather funny how they were so quick to notice her mood, but still not recognize the sweet, cinnamon-ish aroma of cake baking. "That may be so" She agreed, fully aware of how grumpy she could be after just waking up in the morning. "I've been up for about two hours now." Vannah explained, keeping it short and simple.

Now up and pouring a glass of juice for Gabriel, who had come to join them in the kitchen only seconds ago looking more tired than the rest of the kids so far, Madison's ice blue orbs grew wide. Anyone could assume, whether by her facial expression or tone, she was thinking Savannah was mad. Completely and totally crazy. "Savina! It's six in the morning now; You've been up for how long?!" She asked in disbelief.

Savannah ignored her as though she hadn't heard a word. More than likely for using her 'real' first name. Plus, she already knew the answer. Instead, moving to check on what was baking in the oven Savannah told the table full of half-asleep kids: "I'm making breakfast, that's the smell." assuring they weren't imagining things. Also, so they had fair warning to stay out of the kitchen. Which, was spotless. No hints what so ever to what could be cooking. And obviously, there was no way anyone would get past Savannah to peek inside the oven. The idea alone was a risky thought.

"What's-" Joey started to ask, failing to even remotely figure out whatever it could be she was making. Eggs, bacon, ceral, pancakes, all those breakfast foods did not go inside the oven. Unfortunately for him (and probably on purpose) Savannah interrupted, asking a question of her own meant for everyone awake. "Do you all have your things packed and ready to go?"

Both their older brother Nikolas, and older sister Regina would be by in a few hours. With it being the middle of august, everyone had plans. Lissy and Julian would be going to Regina's new place in Port Angeles, in olympia of washington with her muggle fiance Trenton; Lydia, along with Gabriel and Phineas would be taking a trip to romania where Nikolas, his wife and son live. Kaitlynnh and Savannah would be going to their grandmother's first, leaving Katie with their grandma Savannah would then have to go to their eldest sister's house to pick up her neice and her neices best friend, only to go back to Angelina's house once again where the following day the five would be going to a place in Hawaii; A friend's house.

Madi, Joey and the triplet babies (Edwin, Johnathan and Lucy.) were going with their parents, also to a place in washington. A place sort of near where Regina lived. A place the entire family very often visited.

Savannah frowned at the guilty faces, which told her no one had. "Go. Get up, go pack. Each of you. I'll come get you when it's time to eat." Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the many sighs she gained from pushing them to get ready, Savannah patted Katie's head gently as the four youngest children in the room left, following the orders they were given.

Savannah's eye eyebrows raised, looking from Joseph to Madison. If they thought what she said didn't apply to them they were sadly mistaken; You'd think they knew that by now, after seventeen years of her being around. "Why aren't you two going to pack?" Savannah asked, wearily.

"Why aren't you packing?" Madison countered offhand. Not necessarily trying to get an attitude. She, like Savannah and most of females in their family, had quite a strong stubborn streak at times. Madison didn't like Savannah telling her what to do, truthfully. She looked as old, if not maybe a year older than her. Advanced for her age, school year wise, it was easy for Madi to forget Vannah was older. Whether or not she cared was a whole nother story they weren't going to embark on at this moment.

Savannah wasn't too surprised by the fifteen year old. The little bit she was, she didn't show. "I've already got my things together," Savannah replied calmly, awaiting what Madi would say next. More aless an excuse or remark, anything that didn't involve listening.

Joey looked over the top of his book that he had summoned around the begining of his sisters 'disagreement', he considered it, kindly. Really, it was like a battle of control. "We do too. Everything needed is packed, we're even dressed." He answered, hoping to put an end to the 'discussion'. Before turqoise eyes fell back onto the page he was trying to read, he threw the younger of the two girls a serious, meaningful look.

Whether Madi had planned to responde or not went unknown. A startling noise grabbed everyones attention. It sounded as though someone upstairs had dropped something fairly heavy on the floor. Loud enough to startle Savannah, not that that was unusual or hard to do.

A mixture of concern and fear washed over not just her face but Joey and Madi's faces too as an even louder scream erupted. If anyone had to guess, it sounded like it was coming from the stairs and on it's way into the hall. The person screaming, not the loud thud.

Within the same few seconds the three went forth, two jumping out of their seats around the large table; Savannah quickly picked herself up from the floor where she tripped. The seven year old identical twin girls were faster, still. Both rushed into the kitchen before the others could rush out. The crying was coming from Lissy, her face was bright red. Tears streaming down her cheeks like a water fall; There was no way she could have come downstairs on her own, there was no way she could see properly enough through her blurred vision not to run into things, but that was Lydia's job to help her. They were one anothers shadow.

Bending down to her height, planning to try to calm the upset child, Savannah realized what the sound had been. There was a small gash on the right side of her forehead. It wasn't bleeding too badly, nothing compared to the tears falling from her face, but it would still need cleaned up. "Go get the first aid kit from the hall closet, would you Lya?" Lydia, who stood with her little arms around her mirror image, nodded solemnly and disappeared out of the doorway in the blink of an eye.

Quick footsteps came toward the kitchen, Savannah was now hoping desperately it wasn't either of their parents. By some miracle, it was only Kaitlynnh. "what's going on?" was auomatically the first thing out of her mouth. Suddenly noticing the red liquid on Lissy's head, she paled. "She's bleeding." Katie murmured, acknowledging what the red stuff was. Dark eyes went wide.

"She's perfectly fine!" Savannah assured, abruptly. Standing straight she picked Lissy up with ease and brought her further into the kitchen away from the crowd, instructing as she went "Katie, leave the room before you get sick." As she set the blonde child down on he table, Vannah paced quickly over to the counter and snatched the dishtowel up to run it under the faucet. "Madi, go check on the babies please," She asked, making it more of a request then direct order. Those didn't work too well with Madison.

She didn't argue, but left without a word. Leaving Savannah to turn to Joey next, while she gently wiped around the cut. "Joseph can you please take the 'treat' out of the oven." Catching his quiet obedient response, Savannah added "Put it straight into the freezer" as the thought came to mind; She needed it to cool, as quickly as possible.

Watching him nod again rather than speak, out of the corner of her eye she noticed him reach to open the oven door. Savannah took the container Lydia offered, after startlingly appearing at her side. With a quick 'Thankyou' she addressed Joey urgently, "Don't forget to put the oven mitts on!" seeming to think he had forgotten the importance of not grabbing something extremely hot with your bare hands.

"I was getting there."

Once Lissy was all fixed up, and the cake was taken from the freezer to the fridge, Savannah had taken the twin girls upstairs to help them pack for the trip. Julian had offered to take over, and Phineas volunteered his help too; He was already helping Gab, another seven year old wasn't going to be anymore trouble.

Savannah found Madison sitting in the rocking chair, in the nursery. Exactily where she expected her to be, upon hearing the slight squeak of the old chair when someone sat in it, on her way down the hall. She held Baby Eddie, who smiled a huge, adorable smile with his hand partly in his mouth when Savannah walked into the soft colored, peaceful room. The tiny patch of hair Edwin had been born with had grown, not by much but already it was clear there was no doubt his curls would stay with him for life.

Joseph had peeked in after maybe seven minutes of the two sitting with the babies, talking to one another. When Savannah decided it was time to get them changed and take them downstairs to be fed, he insisted on helping, not wanting to leave them outnumbered by one baby even though the girl's agreed they were more than capable of handling it.

It took four diaper changes; One being a diaper.. mishap, consisting of Johnny's diaper being put on wrong leading to soiling of his onesie; Four changes of clothes (one because of the diaper mishap); And passing Lucy and Johnny off to Joseph who already held Edwin in one arm when they reached the bottom of the stairs, to run back to the nursery to gather their baby bags, diapers and other diaper changing essentials, bathing things, pacifiers, teething rings and loads upon loads of clothes.

Between the three and a bit of magic, they managed to get the triplets fed, the baby bags packed, the cake frosted and everyone elses luggage downstairs and waiting in seperate piles for the seperate groups. When a dark haired, naturally tan skinned woman stumbled into the kitchen her dark eyes went wide in confusion, then narrowed suspiciously at what she saw. Her children sat at the table quietly, eating cake for breakfast. That's not what she noticed first though, it was the organized bags lined up and stacked out of the way of walking space.

Madison exchanged a look with her siblings, smiling as innocently as ever. "Good morning mum!" She chirped, followed by the others. Several of which got up to hug their mum.

Lorraine had no idea what so ever, as to what was going on. The clock just rang nine, several moments ago. Nine in the morning, and her kids were dressed for the day, hair brushed, and there was suitcases and such waiting by the wall. This was a first, she looked like someone had stunned her.

Joseph laughed, being nudged hard in the ribs by Madi, he turned it into a fake cough. Savannah beamed proudly, watching happily as their father entered the room behind Lorraine, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What's going on, kids?" His deep voice was a cross between amusedly entertained, and confused. It took a lot to silence Raine. A LOT.

"Oh, we've just planned a trip for everyone. Or, rather, individual ones" Savannah said, nonchalantly. Her shoulders shrugged, but the sparkle to her eyes gave off her excitement. "We all leave today" She went on, over the muffled laughter filling the room behind her. Even Scott was grinning, surely laughing on the inside. Lorraine remained speechless. "Julian and Lissy are being picked up by Regina; Phineas, Gabriel and Lydia are waiting for Nik. Katie and I are going to Grandma Angelina's,"

Madison cut in at this point, taking over the rest, knowing Savannah wouldn't mind. "You might want to go pack, we're expected in Forks later tonight."

Finally, Raine found the ability to talk. "We?" She asked, eyebrow arched. Never, in her wildest dreams, did she imagine her kids would or even could plan this.

"You, dad, myself, Madi and the babies." Joseph was first to answer; Receiving a glare for talking with his mouth full.

For the second time this morning a THUD was heard, this one coming from the direction of the living room. "Ouch! Nikolas, you prat!" a female's voice growled, irritably. Everyone turned to see Regina and Nikolas walk through the kitchen diningroom split room. Madison assisted Savannah by cleaning up the empty plates on the table, while she cleaned up the younger kids faces. Joey was showing the two new arrivals which bags went with them.

"Savina," Raine spoke firmly, coming up behind her daughter. Savannah looked up from helping Lissy wipe her face without touching her forehead by mistake, Lydia past them and went to give her hugs goodbye. "Yes mum?"

Lorraine just now noticed the 'breakfast' Savannah had made everyone, by the looks of it. And tone of her voice, for that matter. "Why in the world are you kids eatting carrot cake this early in the morning?" Her tone was accusing. A sheepish smile formed on Vannah's lips, the seventeen year old had hoped to bypass this question, but she had also expected it. "Because cheesecake would take longer to make?"

Title: The Club; Main Character(s): Danny E., Kayla D., Jae M., Legend C., Mat S., Katie M.; By Steph
Title: Watching Over You; Main Character(s): Conner & Savannah Mae; By Gracie
Title: Running Away; Main Character(s): Danny, Breanna & Ethan Edwards; By Steph
Title: MTOLWBA: Part One; Main Character(s): Remmington McClane & Rosaline Foxx; By Dani&Gracie
Title: White Stuff; Main Character(s): ??; By Steph:
Title: MOOP; Main Character(s): Sam, Alexis, Curt, Savannah, Evelyn and Elias; By Dani
Title: Boo; Main Character(s): Danny, Bre & Eth; By Steph
Title: Waiting; Main Character(s): Conner Mae & Courtney Naidu; By Gracie
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 07-18-2009 at 06:55 PM.
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