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Vindictus held up his left hand. "Get that book out of my face! What do you call this band of silver on my finger? Tin foil? And the pictures of them covering my desk and on the mantle of the fireplace in my office? Images of an imaginary life?" He was clearly angry. "My wife and my son . . . Professor Shackleton, say something!"
Nicholai placed the book down on his desk and obligingly examined the ring on the Professor's left hand. "I have never been in your office, sir. But I imagine that any pictures of your family contained therein are completely genuine and I have no reason to suspect otherwise." He responded politely, his expression not conveying even a flicker of what was thinking internally.
He watched as the two Professors bickered and kept quiet. Really life was complicated enough with people accusing
you of being unfaithful without having a professor accuse you of calling
them unfaithful- which he had
not and didn't much care if he was in the first place.
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Macadrian rolled her eyes, not dignifying Max's "29" comment with a response. "I'm quite sure the kids realize that you made quite a bit of money playing Quidditch. In fact, I don't think one of them even suggested that you lacked money, just that perhaps this was a month to consider what you wanted to do with some of it. For example, perhaps you could donate some of that money to families in need, or to St. Mungo's to find cures for mysterious illnesses." Macadrian stared into Max's face to convey her opinions at this point.
"And as for balancing work and love, perhaps they were thinking that surely you must miss your wife and kids while you have to be here at Hogwarts, and that this would be a month to perhaps take a couple days away to visit with them, or plan a nice family vacation during the summer holidays. Not everything has to be negative, Professor Vindictus."
Satisfied that she had conveyed her point sufficiently, Macadarian returned her attention to her class and requested, "As a reminder, my birthday is November 22, 2028. Please everyone calculate my Personal Year, Month, and Day Numbers for the 4th and the 5th. Then suggest how you think these numbers might specifically apply to my life. I promise, I won't be offended... or oversensitive."
With one wary glance at Professor Vindictus, Nicholai began the calculations for Professor Shackleton.
Professor Macadrian Shackleton
November 22 2028
Personal Year Number
Personal Year Number = month of birth + day of birth + current calendar year
Personal Month Number
Personal Month Number = Personal Year Number + reduced calendar month
Personal Day Number
Personal Day Number= number of the calendar day+ personal month number
About to put his hand up and answer, Nicholai paused as he watched Vindictus...
taunt? Professor Shackleton with chocolate. Weird. Shaking himself, Nicholai raised his hand to give his interpretation for Shackleton's numbers.
Shackleton; Your Personal Year number is 2 which indicates that you will be more sensitive to the nuance of relationships and others' needs and this makes you able to relate and listen to others better. You need to be adaptable and cooperative and if you take things slowly and strive for balance and harmony you might find a sense of peace and tranquility in your life. Your personal month number of 4 indicates that you need to build a foundation for the remainder of your personal year and focus on health matters. In relation to your personal year number, it might mean that someone else's advice or examples that you pick up from your sensitivity to others and your listening skills, could help provide that security and foundation for your future."
Nico paused, "Also in relation to your personal year number, your personal month number of 4 might indicate that the balance and harmony you should be aiming for this year could be influenced by taking care of health matters."
He quickly read over the personal day numbers before continuing, " For today your personal day number is 8, which indicates you should take charge," Nicholai avoided glancing toward Professor Vindictus, "It's a day when money issues could be tackled, or it might mean you have to take charge in other ways- like in relationships and dealings with others- as indicated by your personal year, or in your health as indicated by your personal month."
He cleared his throat before finishing up, "Tomorrow's personal day number for you is 9, which indicates that you should use your intuition and wrap up things that need to come to an end. Again, in relation to your other personal numbers- it may indicate that you should use your intuition in your dealings with others, your heath and building a secure future."