Astrid's eyes perked up and she sat a little straighter in her chair. She didn't know what to think, but this class sure was growing increasingly interesting. She was all too eager to figure out Professor Shackleton's numbers, so as soon as she gave out her birthday, she went to work straight away.
Professor Shackleton ~ November 22, 2028
Personal Year Number = month of birth + day of birth + current calendar year
11/2 + 22/4 + 2066/14/5 = 11/2
Personal Month Number = Personal Year Number + reduced calendar month number
2 + 11/2 = 4
Personal Day Number = the number of the calendar day + your Personal Month Number.
Today’s Personal Day Number is: 4 + 4 = 8
Tomorrow’s Personal Day Number is: 5 + 4 = 9
Astrid read over each definition in her text and then raised her hand to offer up her interpretations.
TWO (2): This is the year to rewind and regroup, not a time for getting things done. Listen to others and even defer to them this year because you will be more sensitive to the nuances of relationship and needs of others. Unlike last year, this year your own needs will be secondary now. It's time for you to relate to others, be adaptable and mantain balance. Cooperation is the lesson, so use the year to listen, be sensitive and devote time to others. Compromise and seek harmony in all that you do; take things slowly and you will likely find a quiet, soothing rhythm to life and may even truly experience a sense of tranquility.
"Ma'am, since your Personal Year Number is a 2, this will be a year of putting other's first. A year of teamwork and cooperation. Finding harmony will be key." she glanced over at each professor, hoping that those words would have an impact.
FOUR (4): A 4 Personal Month requires practicality, discipline, and hard work, as you ensure your goals are on track, build for the future, and establish a solid foundation. Your hard work will be directed toward ensuring that security and stability are assured in your projects. This is also a great time to attend to health matters by visiting with a healer, getting a massage, or investigating the proper vitamins/minerals for you and your family. This is the month to put down roots, secure things, get a plan, or build a foundation of stability for the rest of your Personal Year.
She continued, "As for this month, your Personal Month Number is a 4. Yoi will need to keep focused on your goals and work hard to stay on the right track. You will also want to ensure that you are staying healthy."
EIGHT (8): An 8 Personal Day Number is a day to handle money and to take charge.
"Today your personal day number is an 8. It is going to be a day to take charge...." she paused slightly to look at each professor again before going on. "and to handle your finances,"
NINE (9): A 9 Personal Day Number is a day to finish up and to use your intuition.
"And for tomorrow, your personal day number is a 9 and that indicates that you will want to make sure that all loose ends are tied up regarding your personal and professional life." Whew, Astrid took a breath. That was quiet a mouthful. She just hoped that this class wouldn't end as dramatically as the last. She just couldn't take the tears again. With that memory dancing around in her head, she smiled sweetly at Professor Shackleton and laid her quill on the table.