Thread: Task 1
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Old 07-14-2004, 02:00 PM   #6 (permalink)

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"I must say fairladyHermione, that your answer was quite informative however, Nadia answered first so her answer is the one that counts. Nest question:

In general, how many different colors can dragons be. Briefly describe major characteristics associated with these general color classifications. For example:

Blue Dragons
Blue is a sullen, cold color that often is associated with the water or ice. Most blue dragons are calm and peaceful, unless they are sea serpents. Sea serpents are said to be mean and overbearing to any and all ships, so they are normally bad tempered and spiteful. However, blue also makes people think of ice.

Ice blue dragons usually live in cold places and hibernate the whole time. They especially like hording things and are often overprotective of their items. Ice dragons are seldom told of, however, as most dragons live in warm places.

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