Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd
Miranda chuckled at nancys comment. That was cute with his little flag. "Oh yeah, im a chaser" Miranda smiled, she was so scared about Hufflepuffs first match, which coincidentally was against Slytherin. "So our first match is against Slytherin..." she trailed off "Will you still be rooting for me?" she grinned "You promised!" Miranda joked wiggling her eyebrows.
Miranda heard someone cheer, turning around she saw Rapunzel walking back and sitting next to both of them. Ryan? That must be her super fast ferocious friend she was talking about. She gulped.
Turning back to Nancy, Miranda said "Yeah, I dont know many Gryffindors or Ravenclaws either" she shrugged. "But they sure are good..."
Closing her eyes again Nancy took a bite of the chocolate frog Miranda had given her.
Mmh.. It really helped ease the soaring pain in her knee, or at least Nancy tried to talk herself into believing this. Opening her blue eyes again to look towards Miranda smiled.
"Wow, Chaser. I prefer playing Seeker, though." Not that she had a lot of experience or anything but she still liked that position somehow.
Miranda's next comment made a smirk appear on Nancy's face. Oooh. That was going to be tough match for the Hufflepuffs.
"Well, I'm definitely be here to watch. Well, I'm not sure for whom I'll be cheering, though." Leaning in a bit she added in a whisper,
"Well, either way, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. You'll be great." She smiled warmly at Miranda.
Noticing Dominic grabbing some snow with a sly smile on his face Nancy automatically ducked pulling Miranda down along with her.
"Whoa, watch out." But the snowball wasn't meant for either of them but for the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain, whos name Nancy had forgotten. Phew.
The crowd started to scream and shout which made Nancy look at the score.
"Woooot! Ravenclaw won! They've won!!" Beaming at Miranda Nancy wanted to stand up to join in with the others cheering for Ravenclaw but thought better of it. It wasn't worth another one of those soaring pains from her knee.