Originally Posted by
Boys Like Ama
Her mind scolded her as her lips had begun to stretch into a scowl. Luckily for her easily provoked sense of guilt, a girl was willing to distract her long enough to keep her from insulting her selfish qualities. Letting her honey colored eyes fall on the unknown girl, Daphne was well aware the girl had stolen a few chuckles from her and she quickly turned her amusement into coughing fit. Done feigning illness, she tugged slightly at her scarf, aware that her lips were partially hidden behind the scarlet and golden article of clothing. It wouldn't do to speak from behind it. It would be rude and with her luck the girl would most likely not hear her correctly and then Hopton would have to repeat herself, causing herself in the end, more trouble than it was necessary.
"I don't know about you, but it was either this," she spoke gesturing briefly with a gloved hand at the pitch. "Or to lead the rest of my school life as a socially inadequate girl, shunned by her own housemates."
It also wouldn't do that her Mother thought her darling daughter to be very popular, as she was when she attended Hogwarts. Strongly, she fought against her gag reflex. Her Mother could be so perfect it was nauseating. However, the match had started just as she finished speaking and she turned quickly to gaze at the pitch. Smiling genuinely she pointed at one of the Gryffindor Chasers. "She's the reason I'm here." Miss Jillian also happened to be the reason she had been knee deep in the lake hunting for that bloody frog.
Kayla watched the girl with slight amusement as she tried to cover up her laugh with a coughing fit. Somehow she got the impression the younger girl really did not want to be here and was not partcularly into small talk either, which begged the question 'why was she here at all?' After a moment she answered that question and Kayla smiled ruefully.
"Unfortunately I have to agree with you, as sad as that may sound. To think we have to come to a Quidditch match of all places so as to not succumb to living like a hermit for the rest of the school year" not that she had been shunned by her housemates, no not at all. But to be able to get away from her closest friends for a little while at least was a blessing.
Kayla looked over to where the younger girl had pointed and smiled. "So I'm guessing she is a friend of yours? Must be a very good friend to have you come out here on a cold winter's day, when you clearly don't want to be here at all?"