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Oh boy, he took it the wrong way alright. Someday, Rapunzel would figure out that Denton was way too serious and then she would introduce him to the Joker and then she would stop joking around with him. But the blonde hadn't quite figured that out.
"Alright, I'm just saying....Hufflepuff could really use that nice, shiny gold cup..."
Shiny, so shiny!
"Yes, yes I do." Rapunzel grinned at the younger Hufflepuff. "I know their captain very well. He's a tough opponent, lemme tell ya."
Just then though, someone somber sat down beside Punzel. She slowed turned, still grinning a bit, and noticed Lima. Frowning.
Rapunzel couldn't help but frown too.
"Aww, hi Lima dear," she said kindly, giving her friend a one-armed hug. "Why so sad? You did great at practice!"
Lima weakly returned the hug, lacking her usual enthusiasm. Though she smirked at the practice mention. Normally she would have cared, but not today.
She looked at her feet and said,
"you know how it feels to think that someone you love very much doesn't love you anymore?" She gave a loud sigh.