Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-07-2008, 07:27 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart Thanks for Reading heres a new chappie x

Chapter Seven

Remus Lupin stood in the hallway it was exactly five minutes to twelve and he was waiting for Harry. He came down the stairs, looking brighter then he had the last four days as they walked to just outside the garden gate. Out of nowhere a black cloaked figure appeared it’s silver hand clutching it’s wand an evil smile on its pointed face.

“Peter” smiled Harry drawing his wand, “Isn’t Snape with you or even Bellatrix, I could do with killing some scum and to get the three of you at once would really make my day”

“The dark lord rewarded Severus most kindly for disposing of Dumbledore, and Bellatrix for getting rid of Sirius, imagine what he will do for me when I bring him Harry Potter” he raised his wand.
“Now you don’t want to do that Peter” this time Lupin spoke his own wand pointed at him, Harry stood next to him still smiling.

“You as a werewolf know the powers the dark lord has, even your kind are at his side, why don’t you join them and reap the rewards of faithful service, just think of all the information you could give to our cause my old friend” Peter smiled showing his yellowy pointed teeth and an glint of eagerness in his eyes.

“As appealing as that sounds, I don’t think I’ll take you up on that offer” Lupin stared at him,

“How did you find me?” said Harry,
“I knew you be somewhere with an order member, today Yaxley’s guess was right and here I am”
“You never do anything unless there’s something in it for you, why would he send you and not someone more important?”
“He trusts me more after I gave my hand to bring him back and joined him showing my loyalty” He lifted up his sleeve showing the dark mark branded on his skin. Harry looked at him in disgust.

“I saved you Peter; I stopped Lupin and Sirius killing you. You owe me your life”
“My life belongs to the Dark Lord; you saved me only to save the Werewolf and the blood traitor”
“I saved you because I didn’t want the people I cared about to be murderers over an insignificant piece of dirt like you. I unlike you don’t sell my friends out to save my own skin” Harry walked closer to him his wand now at Pettigrew’s nose. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you now”
“You don’t kill people; you just get others to do it for you”
“That’s not a reason Peter” Harry was getting angry, the smelly little creature that stood before him had betrayed his parents and got them killed now he was going to get him back.
Peter began to shake; he knew Harry wasn’t kidding as he looked into those emerald eyes fierce with hatred and ready for revenge, “Lily…” Harry whispered, “James… you Peter, you betrayed them, you killed them”

Peter shook his head, tears falling as he knelt on the floor at Harry’s feet.
“The dark Lord has such power, please Harry, im sorry” his wand fell beside him and Harry placed the tip of his own at Peter’s forehead.
“They were your friends, Peter, look what you’ve become without them” the mass in the cloak snivelled and wept. He looked up into the young mans eyes, his face tear stained and swollen. He looked pathetic, like a dirty smelly rat in robes, but he was sorry.

“Forgive me Harry”

Suddenly the silver hand began to quiver. Peter held it up it shone in the sunlight and slowly the amount of silver grew as it crept up his arm. He cried out in pain and lay writhing on the floor as Harry stepped back in surprise. “No!” Peter cried out. Harry kept looking at this happening but knew there was nothing he could do. Harry knelt down but Lupin tried to pull him away. He refused to move and held Peter’s hand as he looked into his eyes. The silver appeared at his feet and other arm climbing its way up to his neck,
“For -” and in a final cry of pain his last breath failed.

Peter Pettigrew was dead.

“I can’t” said Harry letting go of his cold metal hand. He got up and turned away. Lupin raised his wand and conjured a black sheet wrapping the body in it magically. “Go to the burrow, I’ll go to the order with this”

Harry nodded apparating to the garden gate of the Burrow, leaving Lupin with the shrouded corpse. He walked down the path and knocked at the door. Images flashed in his head, he saw Voldemort’s eyes, his wand drawn, and a scream from his mouth. Harry shook his head feeling his scar burn slightly, and his stomach lurch.


He glanced at the clock on the wall it said five to twelve. Harry would be here soon and he didn’t want to see him anywhere near Ginny but there was nothing he could do. He was allowed to attend the burrow meetings but everyone was careful not to tell him where Harry was even Hermione, maybe Ginny was right, maybe Hermione didn’t want him because of who he was. Being friends Harry was fun at times but dangerous as well as stupid, he had done it for six years and no one knew who he was apart from the death eaters, which was not who he had hoped to catch the attention of. He went upstairs and knocked on her door.

“What do you want Ronald?” the door remained shut; they hadn’t spoken since she slapped him.
“Nothing” he muttered indistinctly,
“Then go away” came the reply

Ginny sat nervously on her bed; they were letting her see Harry today but why. After everything they had put her through to stop her from seeing him, why would they say “ok” now?

She waited for the sound of his footsteps to go up the long stair case, and looked at her clock it was noon. She walked down the stair case to see her mother in the kitchen preparing lunch.
“You can use the living room to talk to him, take your time you won’t be seeing him again till school if you’re lucky that is”
“What do you mean lucky?”
“Once you’re at school you think he’s going to wait for you after class when he’s got his newts to do and work out what to do about you know who”
“I don’t expect him to, we know what’s important, but seeing each other will keep us both sane”
“Ok but I don’t say I didn’t warn you about him, you’ve got to know him at those weeks in school and your secret visits”
“Ron told you”
“Yes, but like I said you’ve gotten to know him more but he’s not going to get attached to you like you have to him”
“So what do you call sleeping together, if that’s not attached then what is?”
“You told Ron you never…”
“I don’t tell Ron everything” she looked at her mother furiously “Now you’re listening to me, im glad that lie made a difference”
“You don’t lie about things like that, not to me”
“Then listen, I’m with Harry no matter what happens, no matter what you say or do. We are together and nothing will change that”
“Then where is he” said Molly going to the sink with a bowl, the clock said five past.
“Late, what else does it look like?”
“You tell me” she turned from peeling potatoes and looked at her daughter directly, “Why do you think he’s allowed to come today?”
“You tell me” she turned and left to sit in the living room slamming the door behind her.

He wasn’t going to dump her, he knew that he promised and she believed him. She sat waiting, fidgeting with her hair, her jeans the cushions on the couch. Looking at the clock made it worse but she glanced any way, quarter past twelve. Something had happened she knew it, just as she got up there was a popping outside, moving quickly to the window she looked out to see Harry, walking to the door looking pale and agitated his wand still drawn, he knocked and her mother let him in.


“Mrs Weasley” said Harry politely, stepping past her and inside putting his wand away,
“Harry” she replied moving back to the sink,
“Peter Pettigrew’s dead” he looked at her as her face changed to surprise, “You…”
“Voldemort” he replied, she winced and filled up a saucepan with the potatoes,
“Sorry” he noticed her face change at his name “He came after me and Lupin as we were leaving, where’s Ginny?” he looked around the room.
“The living room” She turned back to the sink, “Remus is…?”
“Dealing with the body”
He looked at her back since she wouldn’t turn around. “He’ll be here soon, and Mrs Weasley?”
“Yes Harry”
“Thankyou for letting me see her” he turned and walked in to the living room greeted by a mass of long red hair as Ginny threw herself on him gripping him in a hug.

“What happened?” She asked as Harry sat on the couch and cast the Muffilato spell. She placed herself on his lap looking concerned.
“Peter Pettigrew’s dead”
“How, you didn’t…?”
He took her hand,
“No, no, it was Voldemort; you know that silver hand of his” She nodded “Well it kind of killed him, he said he was sorry and it…” his voice trailed off
She put a hand on her mouth in shock, “But you’re ok”
“Yes” he kissed her forehead “but apparently your not”
“What? What’s wrong with me?”She punched his arm playfully
“Hermione told you she came to see me two days ago I presume”
“Yes and?”
“So did your dad and they both found time to tell me to dump you as well as to tell me you’re not eating or sleeping properly and it’s my fault, that’s why im allowed to see you” he stroked her hair as she lay against his chest. “They hope I can change your mind and make you see reason, I hope I can to”
“I can’t face them all yet”
“But you have to eat and sleep, I can’t have you wasting away for my sake”
She sighed “have lunch with us today and I promise I’ll eat properly until I see you at school them I’m going for junk food” she smiled
He laughed “ok and what about the sleeping and not leaving your room”
“I’ll be sociable again when im not living here”
“You’ve got a while”
“Fine, I’ll talk to the lot of them and I’ll leave my room but you can’t get me to sleep normally”
“Because every time I close my eyes I see…”
“See what?”
“Gin” he held her closer to him and placed his arms around her back and waist. “You can’t think like that, I’m not going any where, I won’t die for this not when I have you waiting for me and fighting with me”
“I just…”
“I know, but don’t worry about me, just keep yourself safe, fed and not sleep deprived”
“Please Ginny” He looked at her seriously, and she nodded nestling herself against his chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath.

“Now we have that sorted out, can I kiss you?” she smiled looking upward with her head still at his chest.
“I suppose so” he said smiling back.

She moved around to face him and put her arms around his neck, sitting side ways her legs stretched out on the remainder of the couch. He moved placing his hands at her waist and enticed her closer to him with a single soft kiss on the lips. She giggled as he kissed her neck and cheeks and pulled his face towards hers closing her eyes and kissing him passionately. They broke apart foreheads touching both faces smiling, just as lunch was called.

“We’d better go” Said Harry getting up and lifting her with him,
“Yep” said Ginny. They stood looking at each other just for a few seconds before smiling.

They both thought the same thing and moved forward at the same time there lips touching there eyes closed, they kissed like they never had before.

All the emotions they felt over the last few weeks came out, as there arms wrapped tighter around each other and a warm tingling sensation crept through there bodies and they felt at peace with everything.

The room filled with something, something so powerful, so full of hope it emanated from every fibre of there being, it was love.

It was felt throughout the house. As Molly paused putting out lunch, as Ron stopped just for a instant as he watched outside the living room door, Hermione looked up from her book from the garden and Remus stopping mid step as he walked though the front door. They continued what they where doing as Harry and Ginny moved apart still standing, lost in the moment and staring into each others eyes smiling.
RIP JD Salinger
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