Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-03-2008, 08:59 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart Don't want you waiting to long for the next chappie x

Chapter Six

It had been two days and the letter still lay on the desk, he didn’t want to give it to Lupin but he had only seen Tonk’s once and no one else since he arrived.
“Harry?” called Remus through the door. He sat up and grabbed his glasses and replied “Yeh”
He walked in “So your still here after two days, im surprised you didn’t try to leave”
“You locked the doors and windows I took it as a hint” He pulled a t-shirt over his head covering his bare chest and stood up.
Remus continued to stand in the door way speaking “Well I’m glad you took it like that, breakfast will be ready in ten minutes, and you have a visitor arriving soon so be quick.”
“Who is it?”Harry said looking up knowing it wouldn’t be who he hoped.
“What does she want?”
“You’ll have to ask her that” he turned and left walking down the staircase leaving Harry to his thoughts.
He showered, changed and made his way downstairs; he nearly smiled seeing the brown bushy hair moving as the young woman spoke animatedly to there host’s but then he remembered that they hadn’t spoken since leaving school months ago.

“Hello Harry” said Tonks brightly, placing plates of toast, eggs and bacon on the table.
“Morning Tonk’s where have you been?” he sat on the other side of the table carefully placing himself as far away from Hermione as he could and refusing to look at her.
“Just on some order business and work, the usual”
“Any news on the Voldie front” Tonk’s nearly choked on her toast, Hermione her tea and Lupin his bacon
“Voldie?” questioned Tonk’s in laughter
“Yeah, makes him sound friendlier, I thought anyway and people don’t wince so much though it’s more choking in your case”
“Oh ok, well ‘Voldie’s’ the same as ever, there hasn’t been any deaths in the last few days but it’s not clear why”
“No deaths isn’t that a good thing”
“Might mean he’s building up to something big, not so good”
“Ahhhh” Harry took a sip of pumpkin juice, and looked at his plate feeling Hermione’s stare upon him,

“Harry” She said before taking another sip from her cup.
“Yes” He picked up toast and bacon putting them on his plate.
“I’m trying here you could at least look at me when you talk”
“I tried those last weeks at school, you didn’t want to know and neither did Ron.”
“Well I’m here now”
He chewed his crust from his toast slowly not bothering to reply still focusing away from her.
“You’re acting childishly now Harry”
“I’m being treated like a child, I might as well act like one for there benefit and yours”

Tonk’s and Remus got there cue to leave them to it when Harry stabbed his bacon with his fork and looked at her angrily.

The room now only held them and Hermione started to talk once more.
“It’s your own fault for acting so stupidly, you should never have involved Ginny in your life until everything was over with you know who”
“You can say Voldemort you know” He stood up to leave abandoning his plate of food, he didn’t feel hungry anyway.
“Just listen to me Harry”
“Why should I, your only going to say the same as everyone else. Im doing as im told, im here and she’s at the burrow what else do you want? Shall I move to the North Pole, or just give my self up to him, I can get a large plate from somewhere all I need is an apple in my mouth and the pictures complete”
“Stop being silly Harry, no one’s asking anymore of you then they already have. You have to be sensible for your sake as well as Ginny’s, If you want to be together at the end of all this -”
“If I make it though to the end of this, the prophesy may have broken but we know what it said”
“What did Dumbledore tell you about how to stop him with the Horcruxes?” she asked meekly as he walked around the room
“What do you care, I’ve told Ginny, know one else needs to know”
“I care, so does Ron and the rest of the Weasley’s there just worried for Ginny”
“Yeh right” he walked out of the door and up the small stair case to his room. He sat on the bed staring out of the window when she burst in.
“Look Harry, stop acting like an idiot. Ginny needs you alive and your going to have to accept any help and advice from me and the order if you want to be. She’s not coping at all, not eating much and lying in bed all day”


He stood up and shouted at her watching her recoil in shock; he had never flown off the handle in front of her like this before.

He pulled out his wand in rage and pointed it at the letter making it float towards her swiftly. “Give this to Ginny; I’ll see you all in school, don’t come to see me again” he sat on the bed as she left the letter in hand.

Ginny sat up wrapped in her quilt, her face pale apart from the large purple bags under her eyes. She was having far from the dreamless sleep she had hoped and was being haunted by images of Harry’s death. There was a knock on the door and Hermione walked in. The glass had been cleaned up the pictures repaired but they now lay in a box under her bed.
“Ginny, I’ve been to see Harry”
“You have?” She looked at her examining her face for details.
“I’m not allowed to tell you where he is”
“I thought as much, how was he?”
“He’s angry”
“What, did you expect he was going to be pleased to see you?”
“No…but just not that angry, it doesn’t seem like him”
“But it is him, how can you think he wouldn’t be angry with you, with Ron, with my whole family as well as Voldemort, and the Order? He’s angry at everyone for everything and because he doesn’t want to fight anymore, but he knows he has too. We understand why you think keeping us apart will make me safe and it easier for him but its not. It’s tearing us both apart, when we do fight we want it to be together were stronger then you all might think”
Hermione didn’t know how to reply, Ginny really did know him better then anyone else.
“Did he say anything to you about me?”
“He gave me this” she handed her the letter.

She read it and smiled, “I take it you read it” Ginny looked at her and Hermione answered shyly “Yes but-”
“It’s ok, it would be confusing for you but I know what the letter really says as it’s addressed to me not you”
“Do you mean a spell?”
“To prevent nosey people like your self and my family from reading the real contents. I suppose to you it said something thing like thanks for the present see you at school”
Hermione nodded “He thanked me and Ron and said he was at the Dursley’s that’s why it never made sense”
“Oh well” She grinned slyly as she folded the letter up and placed it in a draw. “Is there anything else you wanted, apart from to tell me you’ve seen by boyfriend when I can’t or is that it?”
“Please Gin don’t be like that, I want to talk to you as friends like we used to”
“Only Harry can call me Gin, you gave up the right to be my friend when you joined forces with my family to keep us apart”
“Please Ginny, im your friend I always have been I always will be but you know as well as I do this is for the best”
“No” Hermione stated simply
“Well then” Ginny covered her self fully in the covers as Hermione left the room.
There where no more tears for Ginny to cry and she lay silently willing herself to sleep and failing miserably.

Harry lay on his bed deep in thought, her fiery red hair; chocolate brown eyes and flowery scent made him feel depressed knowing how far away he was from her but he was reassured in the fact he would see her again soon. He closed his eyes drifting in and out of consciousness when a voice woke him up.
“Harry” it called from downstairs,
He pulled himself up and rubbed his eyes, placed his glasses on and walked down the stairs.
“Harry you have another visitor”
“Harry” said the man sitting at the table one hand on a glass of water the other on the table.
“Mr Weasley” he replied, as he sat down opposite him gazing at him directly.
“Ginny, it seems is not coping as well as we thought she would”
“I’ve been told this by Hermione only this morning, why are you telling me as well? It’s not as if im happy about being kept away from her or her not eating or sleeping”
“We think, for Ginny’s sake need you to break off this relationship with her -”
“I won’t do it Mr Weasley”
“Please Harry”
“No, I’m sorry sir”
“You need to see it from our families point of view were doing what we think is right for her”
“I f you take her away from me then you already have then I’ll give myself up to voldemort, you can fight him yourself.”
“You’re being selfish and irresponsible by letting it continue”
“I’d rather die, then let any harm come to her. I’m not going to let anything happen to her no matter what goes on, Mr Weasley, I care for her too much to let her go”
“You have to let her go for both your sakes”
“If I break her heart my own goes with it, I’ll do everything I can to keep her safe and protect her but I don’t think dumping her is going to help either of us”
“If you talk to her, if I arrange a meeting between you two can you get her to leave her room, eat and sleep properly”
Harry nodded
“In a two day’s, the burrow at noon, if she doesn’t get any better”
“Can I talk to her alone?”
“I don’t see why not”
“But I won’t break up with her” Mr Weasley bowed his head in response, then got up to leave, “Goodbye Harry” He walked out the door deep in thought.
RIP JD Salinger
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