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Checking to see if she had pulled her book mark out of her book, Rian stepped in the in front of the desk. She smiled at Madame Kohan when it was her turn, and hefted her finished book onto the desk. "Good morning!" she said happily, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Why, hello Rian!" She greeted the Ravenclaw. "Finished already?" She slid the book towards her and opened it, tapping it twice with her quill before setting it back behind the desk. "Going out to search for more?"
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Jenn smiled. "I have a good friend in that house."Jenn said. Jenn rolled her eyes. "I'm positive that with a little practice, you would do wonderful! I wouldn't even mind doing it with you."Jenn said smiling at Madam Kohan. Jenn looked at Rian. "I bet Rian agrees with me, don't you Rian."Jenn said giggling.
"That's great to hear." Madame Koahn remarked with a smile. It was always nice to see people making friends with other houses. It really gave htat spirit of interhouse unity. With a slight chuckle, she straightened up a few nearby pieces of parchment. "Yes, well, I do like to go out flying during the summer, but other than that, it's difficult to make time."
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Approaching the front desk with Camira, Nico smiled at the librarian.
"Excuse me, Madame Kohan?" Nicholai paused, "Remember when Anna and I spoke to you about... errr... pirates? Well something was found in the library, and now... Camira and I... have need to do some further research." Nico eyed the other students nearby, unsure whether he should speak openly or not.
"I still have my pass; Camira doesn't have one but she does have something else." Nicholai gestured for Camira to show the librarian the scroll, giving her a 'you can trust her' look.
As a familiar face approached the desk, Madame Kohan edged forward a bit more. "Hello, Nico. And yes, of course I remember." Had they found something? Moments later, her suspicion was confirmed. "Oh?" Now looking curiously towards the other Slytherin, the librarian waited for her to speak.
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Camira nodded as Nico spoke. Please let this work, she thought. She just had to help search.
Something else? What did she – oh. Duh. She pulled out the scroll and showed it to the librarian. “This is the Slytherin house scroll. I think if you read it, you’ll see that it leads to the restricted section”, she whidpered. She didn’t want anyone overhearing her, but she wanted to make sure the librarian understood the significance of what she had.
Taking the scroll from the girl, Madame Kohan read it silently. Once, twice, three times. Each time that she read it, she felt great excitement. She believed them to be correct though, at least in the location that the scroll pertained to. "My goodness." She murmured as she folded the scroll and handed it back to Camira, her expression thoughtful.
"Of course, of course, you may enter." She granted permission. She couldn't stand in the way of something like this.
Stepping from behind the desk, she indicated to the other students who were waiting that she would return momentarily. She then gestured for Nico and Camira to follow her.