Originally Posted by
Alex shrugged, "If I remember correctly, I believe your last term they attempted to teach manners in some classes, you may remember how that term turned out." She shuddered, at the end of said term, Alex had been blinded by one of the Ministry appointed nutjobs and the only reason she'd regained her sight was because of Cassandra's quick actions.
Her eyebrows rose up slightly as Cassandra refered to her as, Professor Pride. Where had she heard that name before? Oh yes, that was the woman who held her posistion before Alex began teaching.
"I would really rather forget that term if you don't mind." She said shaking her head and then giving the woman a smile... "Thanks again for saving me from that... poor excuse of a woman..."
Originally Posted by
camirayaxley Ooooh. Nico didn't have a partner yet. She practically bounded up to him. "Need a partner, Toussaint?" Please say yes, she thought to herself. Especially cause he was a genius and truth be told, she hadn't been paying as much attention as she should have been.
Cassandra pretended not to see the girl's eagerness to work with Toussaint... but she filed it in her brain for ammunition... if she ever needed it.
The students were doing well... she watched all of them and then her eyes fell on that snogglepuff...
Originally Posted by
aussiegirl Kayla sat and watched as the others practiced on each other, she didn't have a partner and that was quite fine with her. She decided she would just simply practice on herself...really how hard could it be?
Going slightly against the intern's way of doing things, Kayla muttered the incantation, "Tergeo" and then with her wand traced a circle over her leg. "Antiarius Ontin" she said firmly and watched as the ointment spread over her leg.
Now that was done she pointed and flicked her wand "Aidonsi Traci" and a splint formed around her leg and now for the fun part. She gave her wand a swoop and said the final incantation, "Inurio Bani."
The bandages landed on the floor beside her and she picked them and proceeded to wrap them around her leg tightly but not too tight that they would cut the circulation off. And she sat back and admired her handywork...not bad Winters.
"Winters!" Cassandra hissed. She didn't like that student at all... "What part of 'Pair up' did you not comprehend!" She said in a slow and calm, yet stern tone. "Toussaint!" She called, her eyes still on Kayla, "Please explain to Winters the definition of PAIRING UP."