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Nico turned to Camira, she knew Kayla? Oh great now she'd realise that whole thing in the library before the reading was about Kayla.
"I didn't do anything! She came to me with these photos of me with my friends." Nico stressed the word and glared between both of them, who he'd certainly been 'friendly' enough with in the past for the casual observer to get the wrong impression. "She was 100 percent convinced without an ounce of doubt that I'd done what those photographs suggest. And you know what gets me the most? Of all people, Cale the idiot NEWELL believed me where Kayla did NOT."
He looked at Camira, a darkness in his eyes, "Please what? Stop acting like a Gryffindork? or maybe I'm a Dramapuff this time- I hear you don't particularly like them. And I know you have been judging me for my friendship with Kitten!" Nicholai ran his hands through his hair in irritation.
"What difference does it make anymore?" Nicholai swallowed roughly, "Anna is a good friend of mine who has managed to be there for me and BELIEVE me despite the fact that I'm a Slytherin and she's a Gryffindor. She's my friend so why should I not spend time with her?" And drug her and possibly ruin her life.
Nicholai closed his eyes, stroking his signet ring until his agitation had dispersed. He opened his eyes again and they were slightly dead.
"I told her. When it all began. I told her that I'd break her. And that I'd enjoy it." Nicholai looked at his boots for a moment, "I was wrong. She isn't the broken one at all. And I don't even care anymore."
He pushed both girls away from him a little more roughly than he needed to and started to pace back and forth. He whirled around suddenly and looked at Nikki.
"You are my best friend too. You and Maddox... and even he is eventually going to chose Kayla over me." Nicholai sighed heavily, thinking of the flying class.
"I don't need anyone." Nicholai added, "But Kayla does." She needs people who care about her that she can trust." He smiled bitterly, "Did you girls know, that Kayla loved me? Past tense." Like his mother, who had used those exact same words. "She loved me but doesn't trust me. Should trust not come first? I trust her still!"
Nicholai paused and slumped against the opposite wall, his wand somehow in his hand and he twirled it, providing a certain level of comfort. Where was Maddox when you needed a good duel?
"I don't give up. I haven't. And I won't." Nicholai smiled darkly, "But first I have to find out who took those pictures."
Oh my. She regarded him critically. So, either he was lying or he was set up. After a minute, she decided there was no way he could be lying. He was just too upset. Too far gone from his usual “cool, calm, collected” attitude. She was still going to stick up for Kayla though, even if she was a bit upset that Kayla hadn’t told her any of this.
“Well, I’m sorry to say, but the pictures look rather convincing. Besides, Kayla has…trust issues”, and rightly so, she added silently, thinking about that whole bizarre Helios thing. She was about to offer to talk to Kayla and let him know that she believed him when he started on her. She didn’t care how upset he was. That was not okay. “I don’t believe who I like or dislike is any of your business”, she said coolly. “It’s an interesting assessment though, seeing as Kayla is my friend.” Really now. Oh, and here he went about the Anna thing. “As for Anna, we’ve settled our differences and I’m actually quite fond of her in my own way, so do NOT propose to tell me what’s going on in my own head.” Why did she have a feeling this was going to get out of control?
She flew back a bit and hit the wall. Oh no. Nico did
not just push her. That was something she would absolutely not stand for.It took her a moment to recover, but when she had, she walked over to wall he was currently slumped against and punched him straight in the mouth. Hmm. Her aim was a bit off. She was actually going for the nose. “Do. Not. Ever. Touch. Me. In. A. Violent. Manner.” She could barely get the words out. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that he was extremely upset and didn’t mean to hurt her. It took a few times of repeating it in her head before she calmed down enough to not punch him...again
“Nico Toussaint, you idiot. If you would stop with the lashing out for even a damn minute you would have realized that I want to help you and I have no problem talking to Kayla and seeing if we can’t get this sorted out”, she said firmly, but sincerely. Really. Boys. Sometimes they were so much trouble.