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Old 10-26-2008, 02:44 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raider View Post
"Plain dear. Not all bandage-able wounds are open wounds."

"Ok, since there are no questions more about what we'll be doing today, so I will give you the other two spells and then you can go practice!" Alex smiled at her class, "After you get these three spells and practice for a bit, we'll move on to the second half of the lesson." she nodded to Cassandra.

"The second spell is Antiarius Ontin, it conjures a very basic antiseptic ointment for any cuts or open wounds. For the wand motion, hold out oyu empty hand and twirl out wand in a circle over it, like you were holding a jar and tracing the rim."

"And the final spell is for conjuring a splint, for broken bones or severe wounds that need to be wrapped tight and kept still. The incantation is Aidonsi Traci and the wand movement is, a point and flick. Off you go!"

After listening to the professor explain the spells, Liz starts to practice on the bandage one.

"Inurio Bani" she says with a long swoop of her wand.

"Yikes!" ok, maybe not that long, she decides, as a large pile lands on the floor.