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Old 10-25-2008, 09:33 PM   #141 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902

Chapter 55

Everywhere he turned people were talking about the battle. He'd had enough of the questions and shouted at a fourth year girl earlier that day.

Jamie was now found sitting in the corner talking to Hermione as she poured over books from the library they had.

"Don't lie to me!" Jamie said as he stood up from the table him and Hermione were talking at.

"Jamie, I'm not!" Hermione said as she stood as well. The look on her face showed she wasn't and Jamie fell back into the chair defeated.

"Something is wrong though... I haven't seen or heard her for two months... She spends all her time alone or practicing... She's seen something... I'm sure of it..." Jamie continued to mumble as Harry, Ron and Ginny walked over to them.

As Ron went to open his mouth to say something, Hermione shot him a look which said 'Don't...'.

"Err... Hermione..." Ginny said as she signaled behind her.

Walking towards them from the Girls Dorm was Alicia. The once colourful and happy girl was visibly depressed. The red and blue hair was lost and lank black hair replaced it. The bright blue eyes that danced with happiness were swapped for sad gray orbs. No colour was visible on her clothes which were black.


Jamie stopped muttering and looked up. Emotions flashed across his face too quick for anyone to read them.

"Hi..." He repeated. There was no emotion in his voice at all.

Harry watched as Alicia and Jamie just looked at each other. Ginny nudged him and he looked down at her.

'We should go...' She mouthed as Ron looked over at them. Hermione must of seen Ginny as well because she swept all the books on the table into her bag, grabbed Ron's wrist and walked off towards the couches.

Harry nodded slowly before grasping Ginny's hand and helping her up. Deciding on the spot to go upstairs, he motioned over to the others and they nodded quickly.

Leaving the tow still looking at each other, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny quickly made their way up to the Boys Dorm.

"Do you think that they'll be okay?" Hermione said instantly as Harry pushed the door shut.

"I'm not sure... She doesn't look happy and he didn't sound very pleased to see her..." Ginny said quietly as she sat on the edge of Harry's bed.

"You can't blame him though... She hasn't spoken to anyone of us in over a month... Not to mention that's the first time I've seen her" Harry pointed out as he dropped onto his bed.

"Yeah but there's obviously a reason behind it..." Hermione said as she crossed her legs as she sat in front of Ron's bed on the floor while Ron lay on his front on the bed.

"Yeah but still... There's still no poi-" The rest of Ron's sentence was droned out by a sudden burst of shouts from downstairs.

The four of them glanced at each other before rushing out the door.

Jamie watched as his friends practically ran from the room. His eyes returned to Alicia as she went to speak.

"Jamie?" Her voice had changed slightly, or was it just the fact that he hadn't heard it in a while?

"Alicia..." Jamie said in the same plain voice and he turned away from her, staring at the wall.

"Jamie please..."

"Please what? What could possibly need that you suddenly remember that I'm here?" His words were short and sharp, cutting her up with each one said.

"I- I'm-" She stuttered but again Jamie cut in.

"Sorry? Is that it? Your sorry you 'forgot' about me? No" His gaze never left the wall as he spoke. he could feel her eyes on him but didn't turn and meet them.

"Jamie... Please listen to me!" Her voice was cracked and she was on the verge of tears as she stared at the side of his head.

"No. You haven't spoke to me since we all spoke to the school... Two months Alicia..." At the sound of her name, Alicia let the tears fall down her face.

"Jamie... I'm sorry! I didn't want to ignore you! Really I didn't!" She said as she cried.

"Want to? Want to? What's that meant to mean? You wasn't allowed to talk to me? What?" Jamie was shouting as he turned to look at her. "Two months of complete nothing and you come out with 'Sorry'?" His voice didn't mask the four sets of footsteps as the others ran down the stairs and into the common room.

"Jamie..." Alicia didn't know what to do. Jamie had never shouted at her before.

"Don't... I don't care anymore..." And with that, Jamie stormed past the others and up the stairs.

As the echo of a door slamming reached their ears, Alicia broke down completely. Dropping to her knees, Alicia covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

Ginny walked forwards slightly but Hermione caught her arm.

Shaking her head, she gestured to the table before turning to Ron.

"Go sort Jamie out. Please. This isn't supposed to happen" Harry heard something in her voice and couldn't place it.

Ginny watched as her friend sobbed and sobbed in front of her while the boys and Hermione walked back upstairs.

Unable to sit there in silence any longer, Ginny stood up and carefully made her way to the crying girl.

"Alicia?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Upstairs, Hermione was trying to reason with Jamie.

"Jamie! If you don't open the door, I'll force it open!" She shouted again as she held onto the handle and tried to turn it.

She yelped suddenly and pulled her hand away from the door.

"Jamie, if you cursed the door handle, I swear I'll curse you!" Hermione shouted as she banged her fists into the wood.

"Hermione, calm down! We've got enough going on already!" Harry said quickly as he tried to stop her breaking the door down.

"He's got a point Hermione... Leave it. You go sort Alicia out okay?" Ron said as he pulled her back effortlessly.

"Fine..." And with that, Hermione stormed off downstairs.

"Jamie, Open up" Harry said as he drew his wand, Ron stepping backwards.

A mumble came from the other side and Harry shook his head.

"Fine... Bombarda!" He shouted as the door flew off its hinges. Stepping into the room, Harry noticed all the curtains round Jamie's bed were drawn. Ron didn't notice anything as he was placing the door back in its frame.

"Jamie, what's got into you?" Harry said as he walked over and pulled the curtain back.

Jamie was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

"Jamie, Harry does have a point... Yeah, Alicia hasn't spoken to anyone in roughly two months but there's still no reason to shout at her like that..." Ron said as he sat on Dean's bed, opposite Jamie's.

"I don't know... I just-" Jamie shrugged as he stopped talking. Harry finished the sentence for him.

"Lost control? Yeah... We all have. Probably me more than anyone... But you've got a reason to... We're a group of seven teenagers who are leading a battle against Voldemort..." Harry said as he sat on the end of Jamie's bed. Ron shuddered as Voldemort's name was said but remained silent.

"I know that but I still lost it... I don't know what to do... I wish I'd never found out about this stupid battle. Everywhere I turn someone's talking about it... I'm looking over my shoulder all the time in case something happens... It's stupid!" Jamie said loudly as he sat up.

"We all know that mate... Imagine Harry's life. Complete strangers knowing who you are, looking over your shoulder permanently, You- Know- Who trying to kill you whenever he gets the chance... That's what its like for him... Not to mention everything that's been happening lately" Ron said as he stood up. Harry just sat there watching him, a blank look on his face.

"I- I tried to s- say s- sorry to him but he s- started s- shouting at me..." Alicia said to Ginny and Hermione as they sat on the couches together.

"We heard... You don't have to tell us Alicia... Just listen to what we've got to say okay?" Hermione said kindly and she nodded. "The last time he saw you was two months ago... You've been locking yourself away from everyone or practicing for hours on end... Imagine what thats like for him..."

"Your appearance doesn't help much either Alicia... Lank black hair? Sad gray eyes? There's definitely something wrong..." Ginny added as she held Alicia's hand tightly.

"I don't know... It doesn't matter who I'm with or where I go, everything brings visions now... Some are good and I try to find him so I can tell him but then another one comes strolling along and it pushes the other one outta my head... So I locked myself away from everything... That way I can concentrate on other things..." Alicia explained as she looked from Hermione to Ginny then towards the stairs.

"Maybe you should tell him everything..." Ginny said quietly and Alicia turned to look at her.

"He doesn't want to talk to me... He doesn't care..." Before she could say anything else, Hermione opened her mouth.

"Oh for heavens sake Alicia! Just go and tell him! If he tries to talk over you, just talk louder!" Alicia watched as Hermione stood up and held out her hand. "Coming by your own or Going with me dragging you?" She added with smile.

Can I ask if this will be moved to Finished Fics as soon as I'm finished or do I have to warn someone??

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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