Wowza! So many potions and those with inverse effects had similar ingredients and it all just depended in the way they were used? Willow blinked a couple of times. Huh. That was interesting. Not. It wasn't like she was planning to become a potions master in the future, so she really didn't care.
Taking a deep breath, the fourth year grabbed her cauldron with a little effort, before placing it carefully in front of her. Flickering her eyes to the board, the girl stared at the ingredients for a couple of seconds, before both of her eyebrows started to pulled together slowly.
Essence of Violet? the frown dissapeared, and one eyebrow cocked at this. That sounded like something someone would add to a love potion. Huh. What did she know? It wasn't like she was an expert, or anything. But then, if this professor had the ability to get lost all the time, how did Willow know he hadn't confused the ingredients of an Anti-Love potion with the ones of a Love one? Huh. She shot one quick glance at the man.
Well, if that was the case, there was nothing she could do about it. Actually, there was--but that could only happen after the potion was done.
Anti-Love Potion... Honestly. She didn't need that. She was not in love and thanks Merlin for that.
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