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Magical_Mione Jasmine entered her father's gardens and approached the center where the rose bush grew. She was a bit surprised to see someone there so early and her steps slowed slightly in indecision. Maybe she should come back... no she needed to do this for everything to be in place. Besides,she highly doubted the Slytherin girl would know anything about what she was about to do and what it was for. True it might look a little strange, but so be it.
Not wanting to disturb the serenity of the morning, Jasmine spoke softly,"Good morning." Then offering her hand with a friendly smile, she went on to say," Jasmine Carracio, nice to meet you."
Freya heard someone walking around in the garden close her, then heard a soft voice, so she opened her eyes.
"Oh, hello." Freya said in a pleasant, yet quiet voice.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Jasmine. I'm Freya Skyler." She shook the girls hand, she appeared to be about her own age. "
I'm sorry if I'm intruding on anything. I just needed to have a word with professor Carracio." She thought for a moment before continuing with a small smile
"You must be his daughter."