Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 10-21-2008, 11:37 AM   #1 (permalink)
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heart Be With You - Sa16+

This is the story of Harry and Ginny’s forbidden romance at the end of book 6 and replacing book 7. Dumbledore was killed, but instead of the Weasley’s being happy that Ginny and Harry got together they have disowned him and stopped her from seeing him telling her she will be in danger if she continues to. Ron was not happy about his sister and best friend dating and has not spoken to Harry since, whilst Hermione has been silent on the subject though siding with Ron but they are not yet dating. Harry without the approval of the order or the family has been sneaking to see Ginny, whenever he can get way from the Dursley’s, by broom and Knight Bus. Both he and Ginny don’t want to break up and both know about the dangers but they want to face them with each other.

Chapter one

They sat on the couch embraced in each others arms, there smiles of happiness were not to be taken away. He gently caresses her cheek with his hand while whispering in her ear. They were alone in the Burrow, and now they could be together without any interference.

“Harry, do you think they’ll ever be ok with us”
“Hmm” he nodded absentmindedly, “Eventually Gin, when will they be back?”
“Not for a while yet, you have time to leave before they do”
“I don’t want to have to go, it doesn’t seem right for me to have to leave you with them”
“It’s just for now; we just have to be patient”
“I suppose” He closed his eyes in thought. Then spoke,
“What did you say to them to get out of shopping today?”
She smiled putting on a faint voice and pretend cough,
“I just – cough- don’t think im up to it today-cough- its best I stay and rest” she giggled as he kissed her forehead.

“That’s very naughty” his kissed moved down the side of her face and neck as she continued to laugh and then turned around to kiss him passionately on the lips whilst sitting on his lap. There arms wrapped around each other tightly both hoping never to pull away when there was the sound of popping outside.

“Quick Harry, upstairs now” they ran up the stairs as the group came chatting into the house. “Ginny, Ginny” her mother called but there was no reply, “She’s probably asleep, Hermione could you check for me while I put the shopping away. “Of course Mrs Weasley”

Ginny threw herself into the bed and pulled the covers around her while Harry darted underneath it hidden by the valance sheet and boxes. “Ginny” Hermione whispered after knocking gently “Are you awake?”
She laid, eyes closed cocooned in the quilt breathing softly, the door closed as Hermione left to report to Molly.
Ginny began to giggle quietly stifling it using her covers as Harry breathed a sigh of relief
“It’s not funny” he crawled out “this is the third time I’ve had to hide, what if we get caught together Ron would kill me, and then your mother would dig me up, resurrect me and kill me again”
“I know, I know” she smiled at him, he could never be mad at her when she smiled,
“Why don’t you come and stay with me, im going to the leaky cauldron in two days, I can’t stand to stay at the Dursley’s any longer, and with there being no chance of me staying here my only other option is Grimmald Place which isn’t really very inviting” She nodded slightly and then pushed his head back under the bed at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Her mother strolled in to the room looking worried,
“Are you ok dear, Hermione said you were asleep but its time for something to eat”
“I just woke up now; I’m feeling a lot better actually. I think I might come down for some dinner in a minute” She stretched and feigned a yawn for her mothers gratification,
“Ok” her mother lent in and kissed her forehead affectionately,
“Ginny, you know that I’m doing this for the best” she perched herself on the bed next to her,
“Doing what?” She looked at her hoping for her not to continue,
“You and Harry, your not seeing him is for your own good”
“How is it, how is keeping me away from him in the holidays going to stop me from seeing him at school, it’s his last year and he has to face voldemort he needs all the love and support he can get but you, your disowning him and cutting him out of the only family he has”
“He’s only attached to you out of fear, you your self noticed the resemblance between you and his mother. He may care about you but he’s not going to put you in danger, I won’t let him”
“Harry would never do that to me; it’s not fear that’s brought us together only to have you rip us apart, it’s something more”
Mrs Weasley got up to leave, “Dinner will be ready soon”
“I’ve lost my appetite”

She left as Ginny began to sob into the quilt; Harry crawled out quickly and wrapped his arms around her holding her so close she could feel his heart beating slowly and the rhythm of his chest as he breathed in and out.

“It’s all going to work out, I know it will” He whispered softly to her
“How do you know Harry, how?”She looked into his emerald eyes pleading with him,
“I just do”

He held on to her snugly, then kissing her forehead and lips said his goodbyes and made his way to the window for the third time in three long weeks. She handed him his broom from her wardrobe and watched him flyway tears pouring, her heart breaking.


Ginny laid under the quilt, her eyes red and swollen she had silently cried herself to sleep ignoring any attempt from Hermione to talk to her. Hermione wouldn’t understand she knew she wouldn’t so there was no point in trying to explain. Her stomach began to make noises starved of dinner and breakfast, it was approaching lunch time and she refused to move. As soon as Hermione had left the room that morning Ginny had locked the door and gone back to bed, she couldn’t get up she didn’t want to. She reached over to the bedside table and settled her stomach with a glass of water, but it didn’t help. She needed the toilet, now she would have to get up.

She sat on her bed considering her options, sit here and be miserable, go downstairs and be miserable, go to Harry’s and be happy. She stood up and then remembered he was at the Dursley’s, she would go any way. She grabbed a rucksack from her cupboard, packing muggle and wizarding clothes. She changed into a black t-shirt and blue jeans, placed her money bag in her pocket, put her rucksack on and crept downstairs her wand drawn at anyone who was going to stop her. No one did. The house was silent then she heard laughter from the garden. She looked out the window and saw them all laughing sitting in the sun, they wouldn’t even know she was gone. Moving quietly she slid out the front door down the path and out of the garden gate to begin her descent down the hill towards a set of woods where she would signal down the Knight Bus.

She stoped at the woods entrance and held out her wand. The large, purple, triple Decker bus appeared before her and she climbed on board. “Privet drive, Little Whinging, Surrey please”

It stoped on the street, she stepped of giving her thanks to the conductor and walked down the pavement the sun shining brightly as she searched for number four.
Upon finding it she strode towards the door and knocked. “Yes” Said Petunia Dursley her yellow rubber gloved hands on her hips.
“Im here to see Harry” Ginny didn’t smile or even try and be polite she knew this woman didn’t deserve it.
“Hmm” her lips pursed, she glanced around the street nervously before grabbing her arm with her bony fingers and pulling her inside in fear of what the neighbours would think.
“He’s upstairs, second door on the right. Take off your shoes before you go up the stairs I’ve just vacuumed and be quiet I don’t want Vernon knowing you’re here.” She sneered before going into the living room and informing her husband it was just a salesman at the door.

Chapter 2 - 10
RIP JD Salinger

Last edited by lilly_luna; 01-20-2010 at 03:12 AM.
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