connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Hmm. This was all rather strange. When Professor Clark took Miss Shackleton out of the classroom, Clifford hoped it was to give her some medicine or something. Boy, it seemed she could do with some. The poor lady had been looking close to puking.. or fainting! That wouldn't be nice.. but if she had.. he would've looked after her. Hehe.
Miss Shackleton had left the Prefect's in charge, and hoping to make Evangeline's job easier, Clifford flicked through his textbook in order to interpret his Personal Month Numbers.
Well, that was until Newell butted in.
Turning in his seat, Clifford glared at the Gryffindor Prefect. Ugh. What was his problem? "Evangeline's just doing her job." A heck of alot better than he's doing it too. Pfft.
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