Fiercely Flirtatious | ILY T&E ♥ | SUPER MOM!!! | *liebkost* Astrid pulled out her parchment that had her calculation all worked out for her Personal Month Number. It read: 7/25/2066
7 + 2+5 + 2+0+6+6 =
7 + 7 + 14/5 = 19/10/1
Personal Year Number = 1
For the calendar year 2066, which is my Personal Year Number 1, my Personal Month Numbers are: Jan. = 2 Feb. = 3 Mar. = 4
Apr. = 5 May = 6 June = 7
July = 8 Aug. = 9 Sept. = 10/1
Oct. = 2 Nov. = 3 Dec. = 4
She raised her hand and said, "I think I did it right. But Professor, would you like me to get you so water or something? That always helps my migraines." She couldn't help but be considered, even though Professor Shackleton had tried to reassure everyone that she was feeling fine, it was obviously not the case.
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