Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Cale walked into the classroom and looked around. A few students had arrived already, so he went up front and took a seat near Allie. He gave her a little smile of greeting and then turned to the professor, who looked unwell to say the least. He blinked, hoping she wouldn't get sick in the middle of the lesson or anything. "Hello Professor," he said happily, greeting her as he sat down next to Allie.
Allie smiled back at Cale. It had been a while since she last talked to him...she couldn't even remember. Was it teh surprise party?
Originally Posted by
Professor Shackleton softly greeted each of the students who'd said hello. To those who'd asked how she was feeling, she explained, "I'm a bit fatigued today. Must be those late nights grading papers. But I'll be fine." She offered a tiny smile, though the smile didn't quite seem to reach her eyes.
She spoke to the entire class in a voice weaker than normal, "I think we'll give your classmates just a bit more time before we begin. In the meantime, may I ask a favor of one or two of you? Can someone please help unload these two cardboard boxes of books onto the shelves. I'm feeling a bit weak today and probably shouldn't be lifting lots of heavy textx."
"I will, Professor." said Allie, getting up, ready to help.