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"What happened, Freya, that has your past in knots, and tangles your future so? No, I do not know. I did not look, for the sake of your privacy."
Freya didn't look at him for a moment or two, she sat and thought to herself before continuing.
"Well," She started off hesitantly,
"I suppose I can tell you. Word might spread around soon enough." 'After that STUPID game!' Freya thought angrily to herself.
'Why did I go?' "It happened about eight months ago." She said as she still looked down, to ashamed to look anyone in the eye.
"My mother and I, we, have test subjects. They, erm, sign themselves over to us I guess you could say." Thinking that more explaination might help, she went on,
"My mom and I treat lycanthropy victims, Sir. That's what we experiment with, including the 'carriers', wolves that carry the gene. Really, the infection that invades their bodies." She sighed for a moment,
'She's going to be so mad at me if she finds out.' "I ended up getting pretty close to one of them, he was only a year older than myself. I guess I spent too much time helping him to focus on what I was really suppose to be doing, so I ended up getting attached." Freya sniffed a bit, and then pushed some of her long hair out of her face.
"He was the first real friend I ever had I expect. But then something happened during his third month with us." "My mother decided to start a new 'cure' on him. He had this strange reaction to it, he seemed to recover, but really he just became very unstable." 'Why does she have to mess with things that she knows I can do myself?' "During his last transformation he just---went completely insane. He broke out of his secured room." Freya brushed her hair out of her face again, whatever was still there at least.
"He came rushing towards me that night, I knew he would kill me so I...I killed him first." She stopped rather abruptly, remembering everything that had happened, still not looking at Carracio. She felt too ashamed, she could feel her face redden.