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Old 10-13-2008, 12:32 PM   #195 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
William Andrew Darcy (Will)
Fifth Year
NOT Overrated | Jessiewhale

Originally Posted by Denny McDonald View Post
"Good I think I will have butterbeer too and would love to sit with three young cute girls and guess who is the cutest?" Biff says as he winks at Jennamura. " Hello again Muriel and nice to meet you Edie" Biff converses with the girls.
Jenn smiled. "Thoose are the best."Jenn said winking.

Originally Posted by MsMorgan View Post
Jenn still hadn't said anything, so Mariel kept quiet in fear that she was really angry with her. It wasn't all that bad was it? She was sure as soon as they all started talking that she'd get over it soon. But at that point Mariel didn't feel much like talking.

She looked up when Edie asked her a question and shrugged. That seemed to be a popular thing to ask. "Oh, Hogwarts seems ok, I guess. Some of the classes are really hard though." She wasn't really sure what else to say on the subject.

Then Biff sat down with the three of them. He was still very complimentary to Jenn, but something about it bothered her. Was he like that with all the girls he's met or just her? She was afraid he'd get Jenn's hopes up.

She sighed when he mispronounced her name again. She had already corrected him once at the lake, would it be rude if she did it again? At that point she didn't care. Muriel sounded like an old lady's name and she was definitely not an old lady. Mariel had a nice ring to it, like bells or something. Ugh, did she really think that? Mariel rolled her eyes at the thought of her own nonsense. Oh and she was pretty sure he was saying Jenn's name wrong too, although she wasn't completely sure since she never called her by her full name. Well, Jenn either didn't notice or didn't mind and Mariel didn't think it was her place to say. Although she did think she'd have a talk with Jenn about the importance of potential boyfriends getting your name right. Frowning slightly, she looked up at Biff and said, "Please, my name is pronounced Mariel, not Muriel. You're making me feel like someone's Great Aunt or something."

She tried not to be rude anyway, but that was starting to annoy her. Feeling like it was probably in her best interest to now try to be nice, she added, "But you're welcome to join us..."
Jenn smiled then whispered. "I guess I can forgive you."Jenn said winking at Mariel. She laughed at Mariels comment on Mariels name. "You not that old yet are you?"Jenn said laughing.

Originally Posted by Denny McDonald View Post
" I am so embaraased Mariel and that is a beautiful name" he told her. " You are very nice not to get to upset about my being inconsiderate about your name" Biff smiled nicely at Mariel.
" Thanks for letting me sit here" Biff told the girls.
Jenn smiled. "Your welcome."Jenn said.
I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
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