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Old 10-13-2008, 06:17 AM   #53 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by x-HermioneGranger-x View Post
Josh turned to Rebecca and smiled,"Hey you.."he said smiling.She looked slightly different,alot more grown up from the last time he'd seen her,only last year,but still."No not really"he laughed.

Josh heard another fimilar voice."Lakelyn"he said with a grin.
Rebecca smiled at Josh saying "Well, you're here its a start. For here on camp can only grow on you."She had to admit to herslef that he had grown a lot more handsome over the year since she last saw him.

Originally Posted by x-HermioneGranger-x View Post
Josh looked at Lakelyn and Rebecca.They'd both gotten alot taller.He smiled at the thought,they were both very pretty too.He looked at the other campers."New Campers.."he said under his breath.He looked at the two girls again
Rebecca followed Josh's gaze and sighed under her breath "I hope the new campers won't be as troublesome as last years. I still dream nightmares about the door to my cabin locked from the outside." She shivered involentarily just thinking about last years camp brought up memories.

Originally Posted by Potter101 View Post
"Same here, it could be interesting though. But then again what do I know" Dalton said with a small smile. "Hopefully like all of the muggles will get sick or soemthing and the camp will be cut short, you never know"

"Hey how are you two" She said giving both of them a smile. Well she still knew someone maybe this wouldn't be the worst two weeks of her life but she wouldn't count on it."

Lakelynn looked over at Rebecca. "Yeah i think i would have chosen camp too" She said giving her a smile. "Actually it was forced, my dad wanted me out of the house so he sent me here. Same as normal" She said with a shurg, she was actually used to it by now.

"No idea what do ever." Dalton said looking at Nick. "I know, i keep looking to check to see if its there like always and its not, its just torture" He said with a chuckle. "Honetly I have no clue what we're going to do"
Nick gave Dalton a long stare "Get sick? Do muggles get different diseases then us? At the moment i wouldn't mind if camp was cutten short. I wouldn't mind at all." Nick stood looking out over the campsite that was going to be his home for the next two weeks. Turning to Dalton he said "Yes, its plain torture not having our wands at our side." Thinking he asked "Have you brought you're trunk or used the muggle bags our professor mentioned?" Remembering he added "Rocio is going to see if the muggles know what we are supposed to do now."

Rebecca turned to Lakelyn saying "I'm all right. Not thrilled at the moment, but camp always grows on me." Rebecca fiddled a little with her brown her and then asked "Why does you're father throw you out of the house, Lakelyn? Does he think you need to get out more meet people?"

Originally Posted by x-HermioneGranger-x View Post
Josh smiled,"Im Ok,though I sorta wish I was babysitting,but then again,Ill probably have to babysit you two..."he said with a childish grin.Josh had alway been a hit with the Ladies,but not here he wasnt,which was nice every now and again
Rebecca poked Josh lightly in the side and asked suspiciously "Josh, What on earth gave you the idea the me and Lakelyn need babysitting?" Does he think we have grown so pretty that we need protection?

Originally Posted by fallen-angel View Post
Isabella walked over to Nick and Dalton "Hey guys." She smiled "Isn't this great! You've got to love it! I find it fascinating." She sighed happily then throwned slightly "Or are you missing it already?"

Alice walked over to Rebecca and the others "Hey! How are you?" She smiled "I'm so happy to be here! We're gonna have so much fun!" She laughed slightly "Sorry, I'm a bit over enthusiastic."

Nick turned as a cheerful and excited Isabella joined him, Dalton and Derek. Giving her a long glance he said muttering "Bella, why are you so cheerful? Its nothing cherry about not being able to use magic for two whole weeks? And are muggles really that fascinating? Aren't they just like us but without magical lineage?"

Originally Posted by Potter101 View Post
"Oh so we need baby sitting now do we?" Lakelynn said givin him a look and then a smile. "Because see, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe we'd be baby sitting you. What do you think Rebecca"

"Really, I would have never guessed that you were excited about camp" Lakelynn said turnign to Alice with a smile. She was being scarsactic. "No its good to be excited, it just means that you'll have more fun" She said with a nod.
Rebecca nodded and smiled broadly at Lakelyn saying "I totally agree. We don't need to be babysitted, but maybe Josh does? He has grown quite handsome don't you think Lakelyn?And we need to do our friendly duty to see to it that he doesn't get hurt." Turning to Alice she smiled saying "Hey, Alice! I see that you are excited about camp? Thats good. Maybe you're excitement will rub off on me. I haven't found the camp spirit yet."
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