Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd
Miranda craned her neck as Madame Lady Librarian took out a quill and did something to it...or to the book.
She smiled back at her, still looking very curiously.
When the lady handed Miranda the book back, she grinned and said ''Thankyou!'' taking the book and before skipping away she added "Have a nice day!". She left the library hoping the book would help her in one way or another.
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Livvy smiled. "Thank you! Hope you have a pleasant day," she said as she accepted her book and waved at Madam Kohan. Such a nice woman. Livvy then stuck her nose into her book as she walked off.
Madame Kohan smiled in response as the students bid her a good day and thanked her. "Goodbye! Hope to see you soon!" She waved to both girls, watching both with a satisfied smile as they left.
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Ludo entered the library. The familiar sounds and smells rushed to meet his senses. He breathed easy.
Finding no other students at the desk he stepped up and said brightly, "Hello Madame Kohan. How are you today?...I do hope things have been...uneventful here." He smiled, slightly.
He took the book out of his book on recent developments in potion brewing and set it on the desk, removing his bookmark from the back cover. "Just returning this today. An excellent read."
"Ludo!" Madame Kohan exclaimed with a grin. "I'm quite well, thank you for asking. And what about yourself? Classes not stressing you too much, I hope."
Managing to suppress a chuckle as she noticed Ludo remove a bookmark, for she did the same, she picked up the book and set it down behind the counter. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Potions are quite fascinating in how you can mix together certain ingredients and with careful brewing, create amazing potions."
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Rian looked around happily as she stepped up in line. She was holding her St. Mungos book tightly in her arms, waiting for her turn.
Noticing Rian behind Ludo, she beckoned her forward with a smile. "Hello, dear. I see you've found something that caught your eye?"