Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Caught 19. Jelly Legs
Draco neared the classroom, so far unnoticed. He should have been there, of course; Snape had made it clear that participating in the Dueling Club could prove more than useful for Draco as an aspiring Death Eater. He knew that once his Head of House noticed his absence – if he hadn’t done so already, that is – he’d be in very serious trouble.
Not that he cared. At least, not at the moment; he had more pressing matters to look into, such as helping current Death Eaters into the castle. He wasn’t going to dawdle and play jinx with a bunch of-
“Aaargh!” the blond shouted, feeling his legs wobble and give way. Brilliant, the Jelly-Legs jinx, Draco thought bitterly.
His shout attracted attention from inside the class, and the supervising teacher appeared to see what the commotion was all about. Of course, it was Snape.
“Don’t think that you’re getting away with this, Draco,” the teacher spat, uttering the counter-curse and looking as if he would dearly have preferred to leave Draco as he was instead.
“No, sir,” Draco muttered dejectedly.
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