Thoughts trapped in small raindrops,
silently dripping emotions of Him.
As silent as my heart,
which covers my soul and mind within.
Forcing me to speak again,
of that say I went to Him.
Drops of truth,
uncovering my blindness,
seeing the true reality of my heart now within.
Thoughts now drowned by the image of Him,
revealing my deepest sin,
of leaving him in the dim. Her World: (Now I don't really like this poem really..I made this one like a month ago, and I am still not happy with it..*sighs* It needs alot of work)
seeming unreal to her.
As she looks out into life,
and rejected by her thoughts.
This reality now scattered in her eyes.
She turns to her dreams,
finding a truth of her own.
Hiding from others in her world.
Hours its seems,
she lives in her dreams,
afraid to awaken,
to a world which never forsakens.
Tears of sorrow streams down her face,
but disappears in a life's long sleep.
Replaced by a small smile on her lips,
she continues to dream,
for a long while,
where her dreams are what they seem,
Her own reality,
her own world,
her own dream. A Fallen star:
To wish upon a shooting star,
is its only last hope.
To grant a wish once more,
from another unknown.
But as it falls down to fate,
it grasps on what it can take,
knowing once it hits the ground,
there's nothing to sake.
Oh Fallen star,
lost by its own,
so pure and yet so alone.
Broken among the cold grass,
scattered and hrown across the floor,
among with its dreams and hope.
Fate grasping tight,
onto this little,
This fallen star,
its shimmer and glow now had become dull.
Its hope and faith has become nothing more..
Glancing up at the dark skym
one last time,
as it stumbles up,
trying to grasp with all its might,
its home..
and family..
which is now lefted behind.
and rejected.
By a flash of light,
and a min. by,
this little torn star,
collaspes to the green-stained ground,
dimming into night.
Unknown and forgotten. |