Originally Posted by
Crystal Ball
Mari gave a delicate snort of laughter. " Dangerous? It smells like Maman's cookies in here." She said, smiling a little.
They made their way to the table in the back and she then answered Asteira. " Well, that's true. Drama is the spice of life, eh?" She said, even though she didn't particularly like being a part of the drama. She preferred to watch from the sidelines and create it.
"This is good. We can watch everything from here." She said, moving to sit down.
Just then Asteira spoke to someone else, and Mari looked up as her name was said. " I believe I've seen you before," She said to the girl who was standing before them.
"Exactly. Dangerous. Im bound to eat to many cookies and have my stomach puff out into a balloon." she heard spices as she added," spices are the core ingredients to many recipes." Great now she was hungry. " Too many spices ruin my day so lets hope their isnt any around." she looked over at mari as she said that they could watch everything from here. "what are we watching? Is their something you know that you arent telling me? I wouldn't want to miss something."
Originally Posted by
"Red...such a lovely color," Punz agreed, secretly thinking that purple is a much, much better color.
She nodded at the other girl, then introduced herself to them both. "Hi, hi, I'm Rapunzel Ariel Black. Fifth year." She grinned. Fifth year and quidditch captain, she wanted to say...but that was rather obvious
"it really is." she agreed with the girl as it was one of her favorite colors, if not her favorite. she looked at the girl as she was wearing a badge of some sort. She really needed to learn where people found these badges. She should get one and use it as a defense. Shiny badges were always good for blinding people. " Congratulations on being a quidditch captain. Your very brave. You wont get me on a broom." she said as she had bad experiences with them." Nice to meet you rapunzel. You want to sit with us?" she asked.