The last thing that was on Kiera's mind was candy, but that didn't stop her from entering the quaint store. Pushing a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ears, she peered around the room confidently. It was slightly packed. Since she had never been to Hogsmede before she wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Apparently though, this was how most of the students at the school spent their weekend; walking around the streets, and entering the numerous shops.
Slowly taking the time to walk over to where the candy was situated she sighed. So much to choose from. Hmm, coconut ice. Being one of Kiera's favourite sweets, a loose smile began to kink at the corners of her pale lips. I really shouldn't. Leaning against a display she began to gaze around the room once again.
Last edited by Rootless.Tree; 10-11-2008 at 11:07 AM.