ooc: I believe that since this forum is located within the school rpg forum that we aren't allowed to play our Ministry characters here.
Also, Voldemortist has authorization from Cassirin to kill characters if it is in character for him to do so. Please be sure you RP realistically for the level and ability of your student character (for example: it would be highly unlikely for a 4th year student to be able to cast an unforgiveable). If you are killed by Voldemortist, you will be placed in the Dead Student usergroup for the rest of the term and will have to create a new character next term, at which time you will be placed back into your original house.
I just wanted to give you guys fair warning.
Voldemortist had only put a BRIEF spell on the child so, though the boy may have believed he pushed back the curse (ooc: something canon has never said could occur) he had not. "What kind of a deal?" he asked, preparing his memory charm.
__________________ There is no good and evil, there is only power.. Viva Las Vegas! |