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*JoshMoonson* Asteira saw him levitating a balloon as she turned back to callie as she spoke about drying students off. Perfect. she pulled out her wand as she moved to take nico's floating balloon and head over to him. She moved to drop it over his head and she then spoke." whoops. Your really bad at that hot potato game. You should work on that spell more often. Here let me dry you off." she said as she then moved to use the spell."Tergeo." she said as she pointed her wand at his wet clothes." thanks for the help." she told him with a smile as she moved back to her original spot." anyone else need to be dried?" technically since she helped a student already she was done. why not help a few others...that were already wet.
Watching Anna, Nicholai wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention so when Asteria dropped a balloon on him he blinked as the cold water hit his face. Even if she hadn't have used tergeo immediately he'd not have been damaged too much after casting the impervius on his hair and clothes.
"Thanks a bunch." Nico commented, actually amused- even more so when she didn't lose points for it.
The other students were taken care of, but the classroom had puddles everywhere so Nico busied himself with using Tergeo to siphon the water from the wooden desks. No unsightful watermarks here. Once he'd spent a fair while doing so, Nicholai turned to the professor.
"I just wanted to thank you for your class. After last term..." he trailed off and shrugged, "I'm Nicholai by the way."