Originally Posted by
Boys Like Ama
Jillian was speaking again and she paid attention to her words long enough to choke. In her coughing, her hand shook and her balloon shook ominously in the air before it feel a few inches before Daphne was able to catch it again. Pressing her pink lips together, she focused her irritation on keeping the balloon up (even though now, her emotions seemed to be making it shake sinisterly above them) and contained herself from burning Miss Jillian alive with a scathing glare of disapproval.
"Argh, matey, do not speak yer cap'n be concentratin'" she barked genuinely. "I think I'm done." She spoke finally, and brought down the balloon, her time having ended with her last spoken word. "You're turn."
A small squeak escaped from Jillian's mouth as Daphne's balloon almost fell. She bit her lip, trying to hide the smile [or most probably a boisterous laugh] that was about to escape her lips. She nodded, showing she understood, for she couldn't speak. If she let go of her mouth, she would start laughing, and not speaking in pirate-language as she intended to.
"Well done, Cap'n!" she said applauding Daphne as the balloon landed on the table. "Indeed it be!" she agreed, whipping out her wand and pointing it directly at her balloon.
Concetrate. She told herself. "
Wingardium Leviosa!" she said as if commanding the balloon to take flight at once. Oddly, the balloon twitched once, then quickly rose to the air. "IDIDIT!" Jillian mused excitedly. "I mean--arg. I done it!" she added, catching herself un-pirate-like.
One. Two. Three. Four. Through her excitement, she lost her concentration and the balloon descended towards Daphne's feet, but before it could reach her friend's shoes, she recollected her concentration once more and the balloon rose. Phew! "Got it right on time eh, Cap'n?" she said grinning.
Five. Six. Seven. Eight. "This be fun. I should try this spell on one of me sister's dolls sometime and see if I can get her to believe they're alive and flying. Aye!" she plotted mischievously. Learning spells was fun, especially if she could get at Susie.
Nine. Ten. "Okay, down she goes now. Arg!" Jillian lowered her wand, and the balloon followed suit, gently landing on the table, next to Daphne's balloon.