Ha ha. This was in Charms Class too. I thought this was pretty funny.
Originally Posted by Seeker_Seven
It seemed surreal to Tino that both girls now had a hand on each of his arms, like their own superpowerforce, and were each pulling him to their own side with their tractor beam vision. "I . . ah. . . I," Tino continued to blabber, not having a precipitating social situation to fall back on for instruction. Was this the part where he had to chose sides? What if he chose the wrong side? What if one of these girls was the good, and one was the bad? What if his choice, in this very moment, determined his entire future in the fight of Good vs. Evil?
Tino decided, at this moment, that he much preferred his imaginary animal friends.
Oh no! One of them was taking action! The honey-haired girl was using the lesson charm to float the balloons over the heads of molasses-haired girl and another boy, apparent enemies of her clan. "Wait!," Tino cried, "No! These weapons are to be used for the good of mankind! I'll never let you! Arrrrhhhhhhh--" and he flung himself in front of Willow and Dominic, snatching the waterballoons out of the air.
Tino turned, balloons in hand and trying frantically to think of what he could do with them so they couldn't be used against anyone, ever, ever, again. No one would die this day on his account!
And then he stuffed them quickly down his shirt front and folded his arms triumphantly. His new figure was slightly confusing.