Originally Posted by
Luna Delacour
Melinda watched as Chris had made the charm work so well. She smiled and clapped her hands with a sweet giggle. "Now, it's my turn..." She said and stood up staight, cleared her throat and began to concentrate. "Wingardium Leviosa..." She casted the spell and it worked, it actually worked. The balloon had lifted slowly and now was over Chris's head.
She began to count. 1...2...3..4...5...6...7...8...9...and 10. Melinda sighed and slowly, let the balloon go back to the table.
She almost danced for her victory, but of course, this would seem a little, exaggerated and ridiculous.
"I did it..." She whispered to Chris and smiled wide.
Chris could hold himself from chuclking when he saw how excited Melinda was that she casted the spell right. He smiled back to her. "I know you could." He whispered to Mel.