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Old 10-06-2008, 03:11 AM   #256 (permalink)

Lions Forever
Devil's Girl
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Callie Hawkins

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Cale blinked. His turn? Already? He was still in shock that Anna hadn't dropped it on his head again. maybe it WAS an accident.

"Wingardium Leviosa," he murmered, making the balloon lift over her head. He was suddenly faced with a very difficult decision...should he drop it over her head, or just let it hang over her head and leave her dry?

Half of him wanted to drench her and cause her prefectly straight hair to revert back to it's original curly state, which she had told him about once before. The other half didn't want to embarrass her--after all, no matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he still had feelings for her and didn't want her to get hurt. The other half wanted to chuck his balloon right at Nico's smirking face.

One, two, three...

Oh, wait. He was out of halves. He had no idea WHAT he was going to do. He was practically holding his breath as the balloon hung dangerously over her hair. Some part of his brain was telling him that she deserved this--after all, she HAD kissed another boy in front of him about five seconds after SHE dumped HIM. That was crushing to any mans ego.

Four, five, six...

But then the logical part of his brain was also telling him to be the better man and just let her walk away from this unharmed. He wasn't much better than her, now that he was with Evolette. But still, he hadn't kissed Evolette right in front of Seth, now had he?

Seven, eight, nine...

Ok, he had made up his mind. He knew exactly what he was gonna do.


He moved the balloon away from her head and gently pulled it back towards himself. Sigh. That had been easier than he thought!

Unfortunately, at that moment, he let his concentration slip, and the balloon fell to the floor, spraying the ground where Nico Toussiant's desk happened to be. It formed a puddle of liquid all around his chair, like a little lake with Nico forming some weird island in the middle. Oops.

Well, hopefully he had a dry pair of shoes or something. Pssh. NOT.
Callie held her breath, as Cale began his turn. "I hope this wasn't a mistake choosing these two to go together," Callie thought to herself as she watched him lift it over Anna's head.

Callie had to fight the urge to close her eyes as the balloon floated there for what seemed to be the longest 10 seconds. She let out a sigh of relief as "Cale did it! He really proved himself!" She thought when suddenly . . . CRASH!

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry" Callie said turning towards the Slytherin boy who's shoes were now soaked.

"These things can happen. This is a great example for everyone to take note of!" Callie said turning towards the class. "Levitating the balloon over your classmate's head is just half the battle. You need to keep concentrating until that balloon has safely landed back on the desk in front of you."

Turning back towards Cale, Callie nodded "An excellent, yet unfortunate display. You almost had it. Would you care to try again?"

** Graphics made by *JoshMoonson* **
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