And now...a little revenge.
Originally Posted by Anna in Charms class...with Cale and floating water balloons
Uh oh. First?!?! A small part of Anna was still a little on the shy side to get up in front of the class and do demonstrations of the sort. What if she messed up? Ahhh, no time to worry about those sorts of things at the moment. This was a crucial time. Should she, or shouldn't she?
She closed her eyes for a split second and saw flashes of memories before her very eyes. The first time she met him in Diagon Alley, seeing him for the first time in Hogsmeade after being separated from him at two different schools, the time he wrote her that little letter that said, "Will you be my girlfriend? Check one option." (and the only two options were "yes" and "yes"). Then there was that very first kiss at Madame Puddifoot's. When she felt her eyes begin to form tiny tears, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times. No matter what, she couldn't intentionally embarrass him in front of all of Hogwarts.
She couldn't. She wouldn't.
She took a deep breath and called out, "Wingardium Leviosa!" She watched as the balloon slowly made its way in the air, and she directed it into a position right above Cale's head. She gulped and fought the urge to look into Cale's eyes and try and figure out what he was thinking. When the balloon was in the correction position, Anna began to count....the ten things she hated about him.
1...Paul Kutcher...what a loser.
3...You called me bossy...
4...Nicholai Toussaint...maybe he was right after all.
5...Seth hate him for no reason...meanie.
6...You did still get me an amazing birthday gift...
7...But you wouldn't even speak to me at my party....
8. You moved on WAY too quickly...
Well, she almost got to ten. Her wand dropped to her side and her mouth fell open as she watched the water trickle all the way down Cale's body. "Oh my...CALE! I'm so.....sorry," she said, mumbling the last word. "Professor, may I please try again?"