Originally Posted by
prongs1295 Livvy winced at what had been done to her. She raised her hand and said, "There's wingardium leviosa, which levitates an object." She folded her hands and wrote down more notes.
Accio-summoning charm
Expelliarmus-disarming charm
"Excellent! A very basic spell every good witch or wizard should know! Take 2 points!"
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle Lucas' hand shot in the air again. "There is the lumos charm that lights up the end of your wand. So that if you are afraid of the dark you can have a night light." He said.
"Yes, lumos is a very hand charm to know in case you're ever trapped in the dark. 2 points for you!"
Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising "Aguamenti," Dominic said, listing off the first charm he could think of.
Callie was shocked the Hufflepuff boy was actually paying attention. "Wow, impressive, you do know a little about charms. Aquamenti is indeed a rather basic charm that allows you to shoot water from your wand. 2 points to you.
Originally Posted by
DanialRadFAN01 Chris raised his name to say a charm "What about the Accio charm? Thats the one that summons an object."
"The Accio charm? Is there such a charm? Or did you mean the Summoning charm?" Callie teased. "But yes, you're right the Accio summons a charm, a point to you."
Originally Posted by
stan lanevski Chris raised his hand. "Protego the Shielding Charm." Chris said.
"Ahhh, now that's a good one. Some might argue that it's not a basic charm. However, it's imperative everyone know this charm, and you all will learn it soon enough, as well. 2 points for you!"
Originally Posted by
HPobsession33 Allie raised her hand.
"The Alohomora Char, unlocks locks." said Allie.
"Alohomora. A favorite charm of mine during my time at Hogwarts." Callie laughed. 2 points!
Originally Posted by
Stina Felton "Scourgify will clean surfaces and objects." Isabella said trying to think of one that someone had not yet mentioned.
"Scourgiy! If only more students knew this one, Hogwarts would be spotless." Callie chuckled. 2 points.
Originally Posted by
suzy18 Maddox raised his hand and said, "The Locomotor charms makes objects move."
"Locomotor is a great charm, but it's not the easiest of charms to do, so I'm not sure I would consider it basic, but one point to Hufflepuff for sharing a charm."
Originally Posted by
MuggleBornWitch3 Anna raised her hand again. "Sorry, Professor. I should have only said one. I'll stick with Accio, the charm that summons an object to us," she said.
"It's ok Anna, and yes Accio summons something but it's been said already." Callie smiled, wondering if everything was ok with Anna, it wasn't like her not to pay attention.
Originally Posted by
Maylin-Janet MJ nodded and smiled. She knew of charms that other students probably considered them to be for the adults but she had learned from her past experiences that it was good to know a good charm to heal the bones. She remembered her brother using this one on her most of her child hood. Episkey, but she wondered if it was a complicated one. She raised her hand.
"I'm not sure this is completely basic but its useful when someone is hurt." she said. "Ferula it creates bandages."
"Ferula! A great spell. Again another one that's a bit advanced, but a point to you for sharing your ideas."
Originally Posted by
camirayaxley Camira raised her hand again. "What about cheering charms. They're used to uplift someone's mood. Quite common during O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. time, from what I've heard."
"The cheering charm!! I love this charm! Yes, 2 points to you! What a great charm to cheer people up. We could have used it last term huh?" Callie winked.
Originally Posted by
Crystal Ball Mari was a bit miffed that she had points taken away, but her irritation was short-lived as Ludo managed to get them back. Still, she was irked about it. She raised her hand again, a determined expression on her face." There's the silencing charm, Silencio." She offered, hoping to get back on this professor's good side before it was too late.
"Ahhh, the silencing charm. I'm not sure I want everyone to know that one, or you'll be casting it on one another at every turn," Callie teased, but it's another great charm. One point to you!"
I'm really impressed with all your answers! One point to everyone else who shared their answers! I'm glad see so many of you guys have been reviewing your textbooks! That should prove very useful to todays lesson.
"Speaking of today's lesson," Callie smirked "Today we'll be learning the levitation charm. Now some of you have already told us that levitation is one of our basic spells that lifts an object into the air, and they would be correct, of course. But who can tell me why this charm might be very useful to us?"