Originally Posted by
Merope Gaunt
Star sat silently, seeing that most people were already in conversations and things. This class could be quite useful as it linked in with her favourite subject, so it might be handy to pay attention. Looking around, she felt a little bemused at how quickly her fellow first years seem to have already knotted into little factions and groups. Ah well, it was of little concern. She got on with her work with the leaves. It was a simple enough task.
Mariel had been sitting quietly in the back of the class listening attentively to the professor's instructions and watching the students around her in silent observation. At the mention of partners, she had at once spotted Sarah on the other side of the room and had started to make her way over to see if she'd want to partner up, but an older girl beat her to it. Shrugging to herself, Mariel turned back to her seat and watched as seemingly everyone else found partners.
I'd probably work better alone anyway, she thought as she grabbed a planter. Putting on her gloves, her expression turned to that of disgust as the professor announced to the class "No gloves."
She got to work, without gloves, transplanting the larger plants and culling the dying plants, growing increasingly annoyed at the incessant chatter disrupting her concentration. Mariel spotted one girl who wasn't talking to anyone, just doing her work, and thought maybe she didn't have a partner either. She was a little anxious about getting in trouble for not having a partner especially since she didn't speak up when the professor asked who didn't have one. Mariel walked up to the girl and gave her an appraising look before stating flatly,
"We're partners."