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"Yay! High five!" Nia giggled, and raised her hand to Cela's. "Totally awesome work there..." She eyed Watson in his tired state and smiled. Where was the guy's stamina?
Nia grinned at Cela. "We'll have to go Squid Spotting sometime." She nodded enthusiastically. She really wanted to swim with the squid as well but figured it might be just a tad cool. Plus she couldn't remember if her mum had packed a swimming costume. "A penguin? That's a bit out of habitat! Was it friendly?"
"Definitely! They're are cocky and silly." She gave a small smirk, as she followed Cela's gesture to Watson. "And yeah. We got stamina." She giggled.
"ooo, I'll have to go and visit them sometime. Their cookies the other day were awesome, and it'd be good to have a supply...." Her eyes lit up at the thought. If Nia missed anything so far, it was baking cakes and biscuits with her mum at the weekend.
"Oh yeah!" Cela agreed, "Watson boy here can show us the best squid spotting spots!" Cela twirled her wand in her hair, "A penguin! I know! I was watching it and then a Slytherin that looked of age made an
iceburg for it, so it must be his and I totally want to meet it!"
Celandine nodded, "Oh yeah so much!" Cela spread her hands in illustration; leaving her wand stuck in her hair from all the twirling. She tugged at it and untwisted it while Nia spoke about cookies, causing Cela to look up in alarm.
scaaaarrry Melita... But it was okay. It was hogwarts- no cookies that made girls overly cheerful and boys overly gassy. She made a face and managed to get her wand untwisted from her hair, the cookies had just shown another huge difference between boys and girls. Their varying capacity for cheerful gas.
"Well let me know when you do; I'll come along!" Cela tucked her wand in her pocket and smoothed the lock of hair until she was certain there was no lasting damage to either.
"But for now..." Celandine flounced dramatically over to a chair and mimicked watsonboy's method of sitting and tipping her head back. She'd see if she could spot another pirate picked out in the whorls on the ceiling.