Cela looked up with interest as an unusual argument erupted. A boy she hadn't met, who looked a fair bit older than she, was riling up a girl that Cela was sure was a first year, despite the fact that Celandine was smaller.
"Take the Giant Squid down at the Black Lake for example. You won't really be able to get the estimated number of suction cups it has in each tentacle unless you cut one off and count it for yourself. And you don't even need to worry about upsetting the balance or whatever, because as far as I know, that Squid grows another tentacle 10 seconds after the last one dies."
Why was it that every tall tale told to first years involved the squid? Will had tried something similar on her at the beginning of last term and she had played along for a moment or two. For funsies. And really why would anyone care how many suction pads were on each tentacle in the first place. She cocked her head; this Watson boy seemed to be debating for the sake of it but that was okay; he was pretty good at it.
Celandine opened her bag of chilli candies and popped one in her mouth thoughtfully as she listened further,
"That's why we don't get a chance at winning the Cup. All you guys concentrate on is study, study, study, to win the cup at the end of the year. Then you won't get to enjoy the school year, and the points will not be worth it. Aaaand, it's so much better to earn points when you're having fun, not tied up and all stressed."
Well, last term they may have had the least housepoints, but Celandine herself had the most out of all the Ravenclaws; she'd had a whole bundle of fun doing it too even with the restrictions at Belles. It had been worth it. And she had gotten to skate around like a lunatic all the while. She found herself nodding toward the end of his comment even though Cela thought the ideas weren't mutually exclusive at all. The chilli candy was hot in her mouth and she continued to suck on it thoughtfully.
"I mean, look at you. Just now you are talking of nonsense and betting and other such immoralities that would surely taint your good name and the good name of dearest Rowena Ravenclaw. For shame!" He yelped, rising from his chair and pointing at the girl as though she were a traitor. "Betting is immoral, and I shall have to report you to the Headmistress come morning. May Merlin have mercy on you," he said as his voice got lower and is eyes squinted into little slits.
Cela stiffled a giggle at the performance, resisting the urge to break into applause. Whoever this boy was; he was an awesome actor. She popped another piece of candy in her mouth without even finishing the first and shook the bag idly.
"And yes, you may call me Watson, dear lady. I shan't deprive you of the decision to not believe my name is truly that, but I suggest you make use of that, for I fear you may only be embarrased if you used any other." He nodded at her, as Sherlock Holmes' sidekick would, and sat closer to her. "And you, my lady, are?"
As he lapsed into a character she recognised, Celandine did indeed emit a small giggle. This boy needed a stage! And...makeup! And....stadium seating!
"I suggest you just keep your mouth closed instead of repeating your words - excuse me, I mean, your only word - over, and over, and over again. In case you didn't know, there are other people in this room that would like to listen to something other than a broken record."
And then he changed again, despite the fact that he was being quite rude to the girl, Cela found herself nodding enthusiastically in agreement, mouth full of extremely hot chilli candies. She would rather listen to the ranting of this Watson dude than a broken record any day.
Cela had to physically hold herself back from offering a standing ovation, she popped another hot candy into her mouth, enjoying herself immensely.