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"Hey everybody." Chalice said as she came down the stairs from the dorm. "I can't believe how great this weekend is gonna be." she said to herself. She scanned the room, no Chris Potter, no anybody she knew. This was such a bummer, why did she have to have gone to Belle's last year?
"Hey, Chalice!" Anna greeted. "I noticed you in Arithmancy class, but I didn't get a chance to speak. We're not really supposed to be chatting during class. Anyway, I believe you asked me how we lost five points, right? If the story I heard is correct, someone was panicking in the hospital wing, and the intern misunderstood that for loud yelling and took points."
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
"Erm...yeah," was all Cale managed to get out. He was fighting all his strength to not jump against the couch and just hug her and never let go. Especially after everything that Cale had heard Clifford say before...he was quite ready to just go up in his bed and never come out.
He was quite certain that staying here any longer was going to be too hard for him to deal with. Sighing, he headed towards the door. Maybe he'd linger around the library for a bit--like anything interesting would happen THERE?--until the party was over.
On his way out, he felt into his pocket once more and locked his hand around the small box with Anna's gift in it. He couldn't give it to her face to face, out of the fear she'd chuck it at him, so he casually pulled it out of his pocket and set it on the table, hidden from view by the ginormous pink cake Allie had brought out. After that, he turned and walked from the room without a second glance at Anna.
Anna nodded at Cale's one and only comment, not sure what else to do or say. Geez, things were
so awkward between the two of them. This was such a change from last school year. Or even this summer...
Merlin, she missed him. He was so close, yet so far away at the same time. It would be so easy just to walk a few steps to the other side of the couch, enclose him in the tightest hug she'd ever given him, and do whatever she had to do to make things right again. Ah, if only it were that simple. What hurt the most is that they weren't even on speaking terms. He was her best friend. He was the one she lov....well, nevermind that. The fact of the matter was that things were
not simple, and that included the fact that Cale Newell and Anna Greingoth just may never speak again.
She turned around and distracted herself by looking around the room as Cale walked out the portrait hole. Oh, well. At least he showed up.