Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Rae read te note with complete seriousness before taking out her quill. "I want you to take this note to the Healer to share with her, just so we are all on the same square of parchment. I'm going to send your mother an owl as well." She resealed the parchment from his mother and scribed her own. My dear Mrs. Kururugi,
As a mother, I can understand your concerns completely. Let me reassure you that the nursing staff at this school contains one of the foremost Healers in the Wizarding World, as well as a promising young intern who is asking the right questions. Your son is in perfectly safe hands at Hogwarts, and I have brought this matter to your attention. Let me also reassure you that I will notify you should his health deteriorate.
Headmistress Cassandra Rae-Branxton
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |