Double Agent Stamps! Snape’s New Dress Robes 27. Owl
Dumbledore calls the teacher’s meeting to order. An owl flies through the window carrying a dress size box. She lands in Snape’s lap.
“Oooh, that’s a big box,” Sprout says.
“Did you order something,” McGonagall asks.
“I ordered a new set of dress robes,” Snape replies.
“New dress robes, I’d love to see them,” Sprout says.
“Why don’t you show us them?” Dumbledore demands.”
“Go on open it,” Sprout request.
Snape opens the box and pulls out a set of magenta robes.
“That’s not your usual color,” McGonagall says.
“Madame Malkin sent the wrong ones.” Snape complains. “I ordered Black.”