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"Nia," Theo squealed and ran towards her, giggling. His little bag banged against his back, and Buzz banging by his side. He scrambled up onto the seat next to her, and his little head peeked over the top of the desk. He pulled out his little notebook and his pencil, and placed them on the desk in front of him. He put his little Buzz Lightyear in his rucksack on the floor by his swinging feet.
Theo saw Evangeline smiling at him, so he waved back, "Hello Vangeline." His little feet swung under his chair.
"Theo!" Nia replied with a forced fake smile. Why did he have to notice her coming in and not have already sat down? She sighed, and scooted up the bench a tad as he proceeded to sit down beside her. Rolling her eyes, she watched him unload his Buzz rucksack (though was relieved to see Buzz put out of the way) and did the same as she pulled out a quill and parchment. So much more refined than a pencil and note pad.
"How'd you get the bump?" she whispered quietly, intrigued.