Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door Evangeline beamed when she was awarded five points. Woohoo! "Thank you, Miss. You have no need to thank me, though. It's my job as one of the Prefect's." Surely, Trel knew that. It just didn't feel fight to have Cassandra thanking her ... despite the fact she knew it was what politeness told people to do.
She nodded solemnly at Cassandra's words, the same thoughts that had been on her mind lately. "I will certainly try my hardest." And if her hardest wasn't enough ... she'd try even harder. "I don't really want to let Slytherin House down." If that happened, she could well change school. When Trel said she had some very big shoes to fill in, the tiniest smile crept to her lips. "You're not being vain. And I know it. I think everybody knows it, actually.." |