G1GGL3R! *giggles* My GarBear Quote:
Originally Posted by Punk Rock Princess Evolette brushed her hair off of her shoulder as she hurried along the corridor headed straight for the Slytherin Common Room. She couldn't help but think that Nico knew too much already about this Cale thing and she was not about to let him tell Anna.
She walked past him before she noticed who it was. Coming to an abrupt halt, she turned quickly, and looked up at him, a smile inching across her face. "Terry!" she squealed. Just the boy she needed. "Where have you been?"
She tucked her hair behind her ear in a most distracted manner, she was suddenly nervous about how he would take what she needed to tell him. Terry thought he heard footsteps fast approaching him, but dismissed them. This was a corridor, people walked along here.
Her scent really should have alerted him. A figure strode past, then suddenly stopped right in front of him, and he back-pedalled quick, digging his trainers into the cobbles.
'EVEE,' Terry exclaimed, enveloping her in a quick bear hug, 'Where've I been? Where've you been?! I was looking for you freaking everywhere,' Sighing dramatically, he quirked a smie at her, one corner of his mouth rising higher, 'I was thinking about supergluing myself to you at this rate, that way I wouldn't end up losing you all the time,' Terry joked, even as his eyes picked up on the slightly nervous air around her. Was something wrong? He wasn't sure whether to ask her outright. He'd trust her to tell him in her own time. |