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Reagan accepted the scroll from Cambell and read the message that unrolled before her. Any message meant for the Minister's eyes was usually read by her own, so she felt no guilt in reading through the scroll. Besides, he'd just make her deal with it anyway. As she perused through, she thought, 'Total bummer about that Aussie guy who got mauled. She better hope he doesn't sue, but by the sounds of her letter, she's paying out of pocket to prevent that from happening. Heh.'
She spoke to Cambell, "Thank you very much for bringing me this. The Minister of Magic from Australia will be arriving late for the conference, so as soon as the other eight Ministers have arrived, immediately begin the tours. Don't show them around Level Ten yet because we haven't finished decorating and don't show them around Level Nine because we don't really want them to know about our Department of Mysteries. Just jump on the lifts and travel to Level Eight and begin the tours. After you've finished your stops on each floor, send me a memo. Depending on if we need more time to deocrate before you can bring them down here, I may send you to give them a tour of Diagon Alley. But hopefully, it won't come to that. Good luck. And thanks for bringing me this." Reagan waved the scroll slightly.
Reagan nodded and replied, "A few, but not quite as many or any as good as I'd like. How about you? Any ideas?" Reagan began pulling the appropriate tablecloths from the closet, as well as ten large chairs, and a heavy stationary kit that would be needed to write the cards that would indicate where each Minister was sitting. Turning to Angelina, she asked, "Can you write in calligraphy? Or at least have really neat penmanship?"
After hearing the woman's introduction, Reagan smiled and replied, "Pleasure to meet your Ms. Jacobs. I'm quite glad you've come to help. We need some fresh ideas and we're certainly going to need bodies to set things up. So, what do you envision for the decoration of this room?" At this point, Reagan retrieved the large banner that they had made for the conference from the closet and placed the large rolled item resting against the wall. "Will you help me hang this above the stage?"
Reagan sighed with relief when she heard Tonya had ideas for the decor. "Please share them! We need to move quick and make this room look wonderful." She was glad that someone had some ideas, because she wasn't sure that hers would be enough for an event this big.
Tonya smiled at Reagan glad to be asked for her ideas, "I was thinking that each ambassador should feel at home and that a section of the room could be put toward each ministry that way every minister could see how each lives and we could all learn about each culture." she said smiling hoping it would help.