Cale: Hey, I admitted you two had a right to be mad at me! *throws paper* Everyone just hates me cause they're jealous of my awesome hair XD
Eleanor: *raises eyebrows* Did you just threw a paper at me?! *throws you a..a... banana
Oh yes yes.. poor boy that everyone hates because of his hair.
Wait.. HAIR?!
Seriously, I don't even like you and everything.. but..you should see a physiologist.
After that, Cale Newell was angry. Very angry.
Oh.. and when Cale Newell is angry.. Cale Newell is bad.
He had an evil plan in the works, and he wasn't alone.
So, Anna Greingoth thinks she can play dirty, huh? Well, so can Cale Markus Newell. Just watch.
Oh.. now I get it! 
That is why he told Evolette that she was very pretty and all. XD *shakes head* Boys.. boys..